Bleak House

Bleak House

作者:Charles Dickens ( 查尔斯·狄更斯 )
简介:或译为《萧斋》,发表于1852年至1853年之间,是狄更斯最长的作品之一,它以错综复杂的情节揭露英国法律制度和司法机构的黑暗。 这部小说内容讽刺英国古老的“大法官庭”(Chance...


Chapter I. In Chancery

Chapter II. In Fashion

Chapter III. A Progress

Chapter IV. Telescopic Philanthropy

Chapter V. A Morning Adventure

Chapter VI. Quite at Home

Chapter VII. The Ghost's Walk

Chapter VIII. Covering a Multitude of Sins

Chapter IX. Signs and Tokens

Chapter X. The Law-Writer

Chapter XI. Our Dear Brother

Chapter XII. On the Watch

Chapter XIII. Esther's Narrative

Chapter XIV. Deportment

Chapter XV. Bell Yard

Chapter XVI. Tom-all-Alone's

Chapter XVII. Esther's Narrative

Chapter XVIII. Lady Dedlock

Chapter XIX. Moving On

Chapter XX. A New Lodger

Chapter XXI. The Smallweed Family

Chapter XXII. Mr. Bucket

Chapter XXIII. Esther's Narrative

Chapter XXIV. An Appeal Case

Chapter XXV. Mrs. Snagsby Sees It All

Chapter XXVI. Sharpshooters

Chapter XXVII. More Old Soldiers Than One

Chapter XXVIII. The Ironmaster

Chapter XXIX. The Young Man

Chapter XXX. Esther's Narrative

Chapter XXXI. Nurse and Patient

Chapter XXXII. The Appointed Time

Chapter XXXIII. Interlopers

Chapter XXXIV. A Turn of the Screw

Chapter XXXV. Esther's Narrative

Chapter XXXVI. Chesney Wold

Chapter XXXVII. Jarndyce and Jarndyce

Chapter XXXVIII. A Struggle

Chapter XXXIX. Attorney and Client

Chapter XL. National and Domestic

Chapter XLI. In Mr. Tulkinghorn's Room

Chapter XLII. In Mr. Tulkinghorn's Chambers

Chapter XLIII. Esther's Narrative

Chapter XLIV. The Letter and the Answer

Chapter XLV. In Trust

Chapter XLVI. Stop Him!

Chapter XLVII. Jo's Will

Chapter XLVIII. Closing in

Chapter XLIX. Dutiful Friendship

Chapter L. Esther's Narrative

Chapter LI. Enlightened

Chapter LII. Obstinacy

Chapter LIII. The Track

Chapter LIV. Springing a Mine

Chapter LV. Flight

Chapter LVI. Pursuit

Chapter LVII. Esther's Narrative

Chapter LVIII. A Wintry Day and Night

Chapter LIX. Esther's Narrative

Chapter LX. Perspective

Chapter LXI. A Discovery

Chapter LXII. Another Discovery

Chapter LXIII. Steel and Iron

Chapter LXIV. Esther's Narrative

Chapter LXV. Beginning the World

Chapter LXVI. Down in Lincolnshire

Chapter LXVII. The Close of Esther's Narrative


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