The Proposal
  • The Proposal
  • 中文名:暂无
  • 作者:Anton Chekhov
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:暂无
The Forest Runners
  • The Forest Runners
  • 中文名:暂无
  • 作者:Joseph A. Altsheler
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:暂无
The Haunted Baronet
  • The Haunted Baronet
  • 中文名:暂无
  • 作者:Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:暂无
The Chessmen of Mars
  • The Chessmen of Mars
  • 中文名:火星的棋子
  • 作者:Edgar Rice Burroughs ( 埃德加·赖斯·巴勒斯 )
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:Our old friend, John Carter, Warlord of Mars, and his beautiful wife, Dejah Thoris, appear again, but the story mainly concerns the adventures of Tara, Princess of Helium, daughter of the Warlord, among strange races in remote regions of th...
The Red Badge of Courage
The Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain
The Free Rangers
  • The Free Rangers
  • 中文名:暂无
  • 作者:Joseph A. Altsheler
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:暂无
The Chimes
  • The Chimes
  • 中文名:教堂钟声
  • 作者:Charles Dickens ( 查尔斯·狄更斯 )
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:The second of Dickens' Christmas Books, The Chimes recounts the tale of a poor day laborer, Toby Veck. Like Scrooge, Toby is guided by a specter through the scenes that refocus his views of Victorian London with all its "stern realities." 2...
The Republic
  • The Republic
  • 中文名:暂无
  • 作者:Plato
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:暂无
The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
  • The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
  • 中文名:鲁宾逊漂流记续
  • 作者:Daniel Defoe ( 丹尼尔·笛福 )
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:Daniel Defoe's faith-filled The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe finds Crusoe bored with his prosperity and consumed by an irresistible longing to return to the island he left many years before. Along with his trusty servant and compan...
The Chronicles of Clovis
  • The Chronicles of Clovis
  • 中文名:克洛维编年史
  • 作者:H.H. Munro (SAKI) ( 萨基 )
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:...
The Heritage of the Desert
  • The Heritage of the Desert
  • 中文名:沙漠遗产
  • 作者:Zane Grey ( 赞恩·格雷 )
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:They say I fell among thieves.Ive fallen among saints as well. John Hare lies dying in the desert until he is discovered and saved by the kind and generous rancher, August Naab. As Hare is nursed back to health on Naabs ranch, he finds hims...
The Gambler
  • The Gambler
  • 中文名:赌徒
  • 作者:Fyodor Dostoevsky ( 费奥多尔·陀思妥耶夫斯基 )
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:The Gambler is a short novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky about a young tutor in the employment of a formerly wealthy Russian general. The novella reflects Dostoevsky's own addiction to roulette, which was in more ways than one the inspiration for...
The Hermit and the Wild Woman
The Clue of the Twisted Candle
The Confidence Man
  • The Confidence Man
  • 中文名:暂无
  • 作者:Herman Melville
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:暂无
The Heroic Slave
  • The Heroic Slave
  • 中文名:暂无
  • 作者:Frederick Douglass
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:暂无
The Garden of Survival
The Hill of Dreams
  • The Hill of Dreams
  • 中文名:暂无
  • 作者:Arthur Machen
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:暂无
The History of Mr. Polly
The Home and the World