The Lady of the Shroud
The Metamorphosis
  • The Metamorphosis
  • 中文名:变形记
  • 作者:Franz Kafka ( 卡夫卡 )
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:本书是世界文学文库中的一册,收入了奥地利作家卡夫卡的作品“变形记”等中短篇小说数篇。这些作品内容丰富,构思精妙,文笔流畅,具有深刻的思想内涵,不能把它当作寻常的小...
The War in the Air
  • The War in the Air
  • 中文名:暂无
  • 作者:H.G. Wells
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:暂无
The Return of the Mucker
The Lair of the White Worm
  • The Lair of the White Worm
  • 中文名:白蛇传说
  • 作者:Bram Stoker ( 布拉姆·史托克 )
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:In a tale of ancient evil, Bram Stoker creates a world of lurking horrors and bizarre denizens: a demented mesmerist, hellbent on mentally crushing the girl he loves; a gigantic kite raised to rid the land of an unnatural infestation of bir...
The Miller's Daughter
The Warlord of Mars
  • The Warlord of Mars
  • 中文名:火星军阀
  • 作者:Edgar Rice Burroughs ( 埃德加·赖斯·巴勒斯 )
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:The Warlord of Mars is a science fiction novel written by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the third of his famous Barsoom series. Burroughs began writing it in June, 1913, going through five working titles; Yellow Men of Barsoom , The Fighting Prince...
The Rise of Silas Lapham
The Land that Time Forgot
  • The Land that Time Forgot
  • 中文名:被时间遗忘的土地
  • 作者:Edgar Rice Burroughs ( 埃德加·赖斯·巴勒斯 )
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:The Land That Time Forgot is an Edgar Rice Burroughs science fiction novel, the first of his Caspak trilogy. His working title for the story was The Lost U-Boat. The sequence was first published in Blue Book Magazine as a three-part serial...
The Million Pound Bank Note
The War of the Worlds
  • The War of the Worlds
  • 中文名:世界大战
  • 作者:H.G. Wells ( H·G·韦尔斯 )
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:This is the granddaddy of all alien invasion stories, first published by H.G. Wells in 1898. The novel begins ominously, as the lone voice of a narrator tells readers that "No one would have believed in the last years of the nineteenth centu...
The Romance of a Christmas Card
The Last Asset
  • The Last Asset
  • 中文名:暂无
  • 作者:Edith Wharton
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:暂无
The Wealth of Nations
The Mill on the Floss
  • The Mill on the Floss
  • 中文名:弗洛斯河上的磨坊
  • 作者:George Eliot ( 乔治·艾略特 )
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:As Maggie Tulliver approaches adulthood, her spirited temperament brings her into conflict with her family, her community, and her much-loved brother Tom. Still more painfully, she finds her own nature divided between the claims of moral re...
The Room in the Dragon Volant
The Last of the Mohicans
  • The Last of the Mohicans
  • 中文名:最后的摩根战士
  • 作者:James Fenimore Cooper ( 詹姆斯·费尼莫尔·库柏 )
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:The second of Cooper's five Leatherstocking Tales, this is the one which has consistently captured the imagination of generations since it was first published in 1826. It's success lies partly in the historical role Cooper gives to his Indi...
The Money Changers
  • The Money Changers
  • 中文名:暂无
  • 作者:Upton Sinclair
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:暂无
The Wedding
  • The Wedding
  • 中文名:暂无
  • 作者:Anton Chekhov
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:暂无
The Scarlet Letter
  • The Scarlet Letter
  • 中文名:红字
  • 作者:Nathaniel Hawthorne ( 纳撒尼尔·霍桑 )
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:《红字》是霍桑的第一部长篇小说,一八五○年该书问世后,霍桑一举成名,成为当时公认的最重要的作家。《红字》故事的背景,是一六五○年前后的波士顿,当时的居民是一六二○...
The Law
  • The Law
  • 中文名:暂无
  • 作者:Frédéric Bastiat
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:暂无