The Souls of Black Folk
The Star of Gettysburg
The White People
  • The White People
  • 中文名:暂无
  • 作者:Arthur Machen
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:暂无
Ultor de Lacy: A Legend of Cappercullen
The Wife
  • The Wife
  • 中文名:暂无
  • 作者:Anton Chekhov
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:暂无
  • Ulysses
  • 中文名:尤利西斯
  • 作者:James Joyce ( 詹姆斯·乔伊斯 )
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:《尤利西斯》被誉为意识流小说的开山之作。作者乔伊斯一反传统的写作方法,使用极为怪诞的手法,展现发生在都柏林一天十八小时中的种种事情,每一小时写一章,最后一章描写女...
The Willows
  • The Willows
  • 中文名:暂无
  • 作者:Algernon Blackwood
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:暂无
Uncle Silas
  • Uncle Silas
  • 中文名:西拉斯叔叔
  • 作者:Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu ( 约瑟夫·谢里登·乐·伐驽 )
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:Uncle Silas (1864) is a macabre mystery novel and classic of gothic horror. Joseph Thomas Sheridan Le Fanu (1814 1873) was an Irish writer of Gothic tales and mystery novels. He was the premier ghost story writer of the nineteenth century....
The Wind in the Willows
  • The Wind in the Willows
  • 中文名:柳林中的风声
  • 作者:Kenneth Grahame ( 肯尼思·格雷厄姆 )
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:When Kenneth Grahame first entertained his son with letters about a petulant character named Toad, he had no way of knowing that his creation—together with his friends Mole, Rat, and Badger—would delight children for nearly 100 years. He...
Uncle Tom's Cabin or Life Among the Lowly
The Wonderful Visit
Uncle Vanya
  • Uncle Vanya
  • 中文名:万尼亚舅舅
  • 作者:Anton Chekhov ( 安东·巴甫洛维奇·契诃夫 )
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:So, what happens in Uncle Vanya? Not much; just life, played out over four acts. There are rich people, and there are people who work for the rich people, whom the rich people don't really care about. There is a gun fired in anger and desper...
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
  • The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
  • 中文名:绿野仙踪
  • 作者:L. Frank Baum ( L·弗兰克·鲍姆 )
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:本书以虚构的奥芝国为背景,讲述美国堪萨斯州的小姑娘多萝西被龙卷风卷到了一个叫孟奇金的地方,好女巫指点她到翡翠城去找奥芝国大术士帮忙送她回家。路上,她先后遇到了稻草...
The Young Trailers
  • The Young Trailers
  • 中文名:暂无
  • 作者:Joseph A. Altsheler
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:暂无
Up From Slavery: An Autobiography
Thirty Years a Slave: From Bondage to Freedom
Vanity Fair
  • Vanity Fair
  • 中文名:名利场
  • 作者:William Makepeace Thackeray ( 威廉·梅克皮斯·萨克雷 )
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:穷画家的女儿蓓姬·夏普,自幼失去父母,但绝顶聪明。她以半工半读的方式从寄宿学校毕业后,由一名家庭小教师起步,牢牢抓住每一个机会,削尖了脑袋钻进维多利亚时代的上流社...
This Side of Paradise
  • This Side of Paradise
  • 中文名:人间天堂
  • 作者:F. Scott Fitzgerald ( F·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德 )
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:This Side of Paradise is the debut novel of F. Scott Fitzgerald. Published in 1920, and taking its title from a line of the Rupert Brooke poem Tiare Tahiti , the book examines the lives and morality of post-World War I youth. Its protagonis...
Walden Pond
  • Walden Pond
  • 中文名:暂无
  • 作者:Henry David Thoreau
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:暂无
Three Men in a Boat
  • Three Men in a Boat
  • 中文名:三怪客泛舟记
  • 作者:Jerome K. Jerome ( 杰罗米·K·杰罗米 )
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:这本书不是一本不朽的游记:讲的既不是横渡大洋的危险航行,又不是沿着亚马孙河的漂流探险,只不过是次小小的旅行,乘着一只小小的船。但是不管怎么说也算是次经历吧,是你、...
War and Peace
  • War and Peace
  • 中文名:战争与和平
  • 作者:Leo Tolstoy ( 列夫·托尔斯泰 )
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:俄罗斯伟大作家列夫·托尔斯泰的《战争与和平》是世界文学史上一部不朽名著。作家以一八一二年拿破仑入侵俄国为中心,描写俄国人民奋起抗击侵略者的英勇场景。本书具有史诗的...