Green Tea
  • Green Tea
  • 中文名:暂无
  • 作者:Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:暂无
Jo's Boys
  • Jo's Boys
  • 中文名:暂无
  • 作者:Louisa May Alcott
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:暂无
Gulliver's Travels
  • Gulliver's Travels
  • 中文名:暂无
  • 作者:Jonathan Swift
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:暂无
  • Hamlet
  • 中文名:哈姆雷特
  • 作者:William Shakespeare ( 威廉·莎士比亚 )
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:This tale of the immortal Prince of Denmark delves deeply into the complexities of the human soul as it recounts Hamlet's tragic struggle to avenge his father's death. Books in this new, illustrated series present complete texts of Shakespea...
Hard Times
  • Hard Times
  • 中文名:艰难时世
  • 作者:Charles Dickens ( 查尔斯·狄更斯 )
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:This story of class conflict in Victorian England serves as a powerful critique of the social injustices that plagued the Industrial Revolution. THIS ENRICHED CLASSIC EDITION INCLUDES: ?A concise introduction that gives the reader important...
Heart of Darkness
  • Heart of Darkness
  • 中文名:黑暗的心
  • 作者:Joseph Conrad ( 约瑟夫·康拉德 )
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:黑暗的心是公认的二十世纪文学经典、剥葱皮一样把殖民主义者的心态一层层刻画得淋漓尽致。本书具有鲜明的现代主义特色。作者康拉德用了马洛这样一个叙述者,让他以回忆者的身...
  • Heidi
  • 中文名:暂无
  • 作者:Johanna Spyri
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:暂无
Jungle Tales of Tarzan
  • Jungle Tales of Tarzan
  • 中文名:泰山丛林故事
  • 作者:Edgar Rice Burroughs ( 埃德加·赖斯·巴勒斯 )
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:The first time I ever went to Tarzana, California, I walked down Ventura Boulevard, noticing that all of the buildings were really ugly. Then I arrive at my destination: a small house, set back from the street, with a beautiful tree shading...
Hospital Sketches
  • Hospital Sketches
  • 中文名:暂无
  • 作者:Louisa May Alcott
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:暂无
  • Cranford
  • 中文名:克兰弗德
  • 作者:Elizabeth Gaskell ( 伊丽莎白·加斯克尔 )
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:"Cranford" depicts the lives and preoccupations of the inhabitants of a small village - their petty snobberies and appetite for gossip, and their loyal support for each other in times of need. The village is dominated by women, from the kind...
  • Cratylus
  • 中文名:暂无
  • 作者:Plato
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:暂无
Creative Unity
  • Creative Unity
  • 中文名:暂无
  • 作者:Rabindranath Tagore
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:暂无
  • Kidnapped
  • 中文名:绑架
  • 作者:Robert Louis Stevenson ( 罗伯特·路易斯·斯蒂文森 )
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:本书中讲述的人和事并非都是虚构的。 英国女皇伊丽莎白一世1603年去世时无子嗣,最有资格继承英国王位的人选已经是苏格兰的国王。于是苏格兰国王詹姆斯·斯图亚特六世成为英国国...
Crime and Punishment
  • Crime and Punishment
  • 中文名:罪与罚
  • 作者:Fyodor Dostoevsky ( 费奥多尔·陀思妥耶夫斯基 )
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:《罪与罚》系19世纪俄国大文豪陀思妥耶夫斯基的代表作之一。小说描写一心想成为拿破仑式的人物、认定自己是个超人的穷大学生拉斯柯尔尼科夫,受无政府主义思想毒害,为生活所...
  • Critias
  • 中文名:暂无
  • 作者:Plato
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:暂无
  • Kim
  • 中文名:基姆
  • 作者:Rudyard Kipling ( 吉卜林 )
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:One of the particular pleasures of reading Kim is the full range of emotion, knowledge, and experience that Rudyard Kipling gives his complex hero. Kim O'Hara, the orphaned son of an Irish soldier stationed in India, is neither innocent nor...
King Henry V
  • King Henry V
  • 中文名:亨利五世
  • 作者:William Shakespeare ( 威廉·莎士比亚 )
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:History play in five acts by William Shakespeare, performed in 1598-99 and published in 1600 in a quarto edition. It continues the action of the two-part Henry IV. The action of the play culminates in Henry's campaign in France with a ragtag...
King Lear
  • King Lear
  • 中文名:李尔王
  • 作者:William Shakespeare ( 威廉·莎士比亚 )
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:King Lear, one of Shakespeare's darkest and most savage plays, tells the story of the foolish and Job-like Lear, who divides his kingdom, as he does his affections, according to vanity and whim. Lear’s failure as a father engulfs himself a...
  • Laches
  • 中文名:暂无
  • 作者:Plato
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:暂无
  • Crito
  • 中文名:暂无
  • 作者:Plato
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:暂无
Crome Yellow
  • Crome Yellow
  • 中文名:克罗姆·耶娄
  • 作者:Aldous Huxley ( 阿尔杜斯·赫胥利 )
  • 统计数据:暂无
  • 简介:Crome Yellow is the first novel by British author Aldous Huxley. It was published in 1921. In the book, Huxley satirises the fads and fashions of the time. It is the witty story of a house party at "Crome" (a lightly veiled reference to Gars...