
[ -fɪld][fild]


a. 加满的;装满的;满的


s. (usually followed by `with' or used as a combining form) generously supplied withna. of purchase orders that have been filledns. (of time) taken up


  • a filled [tooth, cavity]


  • filled with [people, junk, cream]


  • filled to [the brim, bursting] (with)

    充满 [边缘,爆裂](带有)

  • a half-filled [glass, bucket] (of)


  • well-filled [hours, days, mornings, gaps]


  • a [fun, disappointment] -filled day


  • [pollution-, fog-] filled air


  • a [meat, fruit] -filled [pastry, pie]


41 条词语搭配,  当前显示8/41


  • Sense: Adjective: full Synonyms: full , brimming, packed , stuffed , loaded , jam-packed, jammed, chock-full, bursting, crammed, chockablock (informal), chock-a-block (UK, informal), chocka (UK, slang), crowded , full to the brim, full up, full to bursting
  • Sense: Noun: filling substance Synonyms: filler, filling , stuffing, wadding, padding
  • Sense: Verb: expand - followed by 'up' or 'out' Synonyms: expand , swell , bloat, fatten, inflate, balloon
  • Sense: Verb: fit in as much as possible Synonyms: stuff , load , cram , fill up, top up, fill sth to capacity, make sth full, fit
  • Sense: Verb: occupy available space Synonyms: occupy , take up, take over, use
  • Sense: Verb: perform or assign a role Synonyms: perform , assign , fulfill , fulfil (UK), elect, appoint, hold , execute , cast
  • Sense: Verb: seal Synonyms: seal , plug , stop , close , cork


  1. So, they create an interface masquerading as an office filled with desks, file cabinets, telephones, and address books, or as a pad of paper or a street of buildings.


    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

  2. Our language is filled with idioms that, if you haven’t been taught them, make no sense.


    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

  3. Meeting new people filled him with vague dread.


    -- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

  4. Observing users as they perform activities and questioning them in their own environments, filled with the artifacts they use each day, can bring the all-important details of their behaviors to light.


    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

  5. This had two fatal flaws. First, if the application filled the screen, how could you get the cursor outside of the app?


    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

  6. A pedagogic vector is necessarily filled with information in the world, which is why it is a world vector. Conversely, keyboard accelerators constitute a head vector because using them requires a user to have filled his head with information about the functions and their keyboard equivalents.


    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

  7. Many applications are filled with data and settings.


    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

  8. Gaps in this data are filled by supplemental research and data provided by SMEs, stakeholders, and available literature.


    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

  9. It is easy to abort an unwanted request, but it is always time-consuming to wait for a request to be filled.


    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

  10. The Mac OS X interface is filled with photorealistic touches that ultimately distract (see Figure 14-6). None of this serves users particularly well.


    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

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