


prep. 包围, 在...周围, 四处nadv. 兜着圈子, 在附近, 到处


r. by a circular or circuitous routenr. in a circle or circular motionnr. to a particular destination either specified or understoodnr. in circumference


  • it's around [500] miles to [London, the coast]

    距离伦敦海岸约 500 英里

  • around [50] percent of the

    约有 [50] %

  • at around [six o'clock, midnight]


  • were around [500] [members, attendees, spectators]

    约有 [500] 名 [成员、出席者、观众]

  • could see for miles around


  • (I'll) see you around!


  • US: around and about (somewhere)


  • [the tree, his waist] is [40 inches] around

    [这棵树,他的腰] 周长 [40 英寸]

18 条词语搭配,  当前显示8/18


  • Sense: Surrounding Synonyms: about , in this area, on all sides, on every side, in circumference, neighboring, in the vicinity, all round, circuitously, round , round about, encompassing, in various directions, in every direction, nearby , in a sphere, in a circle, all about, close to, close by, on various sides, here and there, throughout , round and round, right and left, neighbouring, all around
  • Sense: In size Synonyms: in circumference, in area, in size, in extent, in measure, in dimension
  • Sense: Approximately Synonyms: almost , about , close to, approximately , more or less, circa, nearly , in the region of, nigh on, roughly , round about, something like, somewhere in the region of, or thereabouts


  1. Bullets spattered around us.


    -- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

  2. Be nicer to him. You shouldn't mess around with him like that.

    对他好些, 你不该对他那麽随便.

    -- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

  3. Now, Bob, there's no use kidding around.


    -- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

  4. Before the fencing of the open range the herds roamed around freely.


    -- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

  5. Evidence of the effectiveness of narrative as a design tool is all around us.


    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

  6. Automotive interfaces, especially those that offer sophisticated navigation and entertainment (telematics) functionality, have a particular challenge around driver safety.


    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

  7. Ultimately, experiences designed around narrative tend to be more comprehensible and engaging for users because they are structured around a story.


    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

  8. Larger items draw our attention more, particularly when they’re much larger than similar things around them.


    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

  9. Default views of 2D and 3D diagrams and scenes should be such that a user can orient himself without too much panning around.


    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

  10. As you roll the mouse around on your desktop, you see a visual symbol, the cursor, move around on the computer screen in the same way.


    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

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