


a. 后面的nvt. 使后退, 支持nvi. 倒退, 背靠nadv. 向后地nn. 背部, 后面


n. the posterior part of a human (or animal) body from the neck to the end of the spinenn. the part of something that is furthest from the normal viewernn. (football) a person who plays in the backfieldnn. the part of a garment that covers the back of your body


  • 1. back : 可能来自拉丁语bacilum,杆,指脊柱,竖背。与ridge,山脊,横背相对应。
  • 1. bacon(培根):常用于腌制的猪后臀肉 英语单词bacon指的是用盐、香料腌制或用烟熏制而成的猪肉,是西式猪肉制品三大品种(火腿、培根、灌肠)之一,其词源与单词back(背、后)相同,本意为“猪的背部、后部的肉”,从拼写上还能看出与back的联系。该词在14世纪之前既可以指熏腌肉,也可以指新鲜肉。后来,由于人们常常用猪的背部和后部的肉来制作培根肉,所以bacon一词的词义缩小了,专指经过腌制或熏制而成的猪肉。英国的两位大哲学家罗杰•培根和弗朗西斯•培根的老祖宗都是制作培根的,故以Bacon作为自己家族的姓氏。 bacon:['beɪk(ə)n] n.培根肉,腌猪肉、熏猪肉 back:[bæk] n. 后面;背部v. 支持;后退adv. 以前;向后地adj. 后面的;过去的


  • he's always got my back


  • my back really hurts


  • my back is really sore


  • [massage, rub] my back

    [按摩、揉搓] 我的背部

  • fell (flat) on my back


  • UK: I've done my back in


  • break your back trying to [impress, make, get]


  • don't turn your back on me


65 条词语搭配,  当前显示8/65


  • Sense: Adjective: rear part or side Synonyms: rear , end , reverse , tail , posterior
  • Sense: Adjective: furthest Synonyms: furthest, far , last , final , rear , hindmost, posterior
  • Sense: Adverb: ago Synonyms: ago , since , in the past
  • Sense: Adverb: backward Synonyms: backward , backwards, rearward, toward the back, towards the back, in reverse, away , behind , to the back, in back (US), to the rear, toward the rear, towards the rear
  • Sense: Noun: defensive player - American football, etc. Synonyms: linebacker, fullback, halfback, tailback, wingback, slot back, blocking back, cornerback, free safety, ball carrier
  • Sense: Noun: opposite side Synonyms: opposite side, flip side, rear , reverse , tail , other side, verso
  • Sense: Noun: rear of the torso Synonyms: upper back, lower back, shoulders, posterior, spine , spinal column, vertebrae, backbone , dorsum
  • Sense: Verb: equip with a back Synonyms: line , stiffen, strengthen , reinforce
  • Sense: Verb: move or cause to move backward Synonyms: back up, back away, step back, go back, go backward, go backwards, move backward, move backwards, move back, reverse , put sth into reverse, backtrack, rewind, retreat , withdraw , drive backward, drive backwards, drive back, push back
  • Sense: Verb: support Synonyms: support , uphold , stand behind, get behind, finance , sponsor , fund , subsidize, subsidise (UK)


  1. get back into harness


    -- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

  2. The steps are easy to trace back.


    -- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

  3. The human operator creates that state in his head or on his desk or in his back pocket.


    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

  4. Almost every aspect of a well-developed persona can be traced back to a user statement or behavior.


    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

  5. Back in the days of command lines and character-based menus, interfaces indirectly offered services to users.


    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

  6. I could pay you back out of my lifeguard salary.


    -- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

  7. Unfortunately, performing Undo now merely brings back the one word, and the six paragraphs are lost forever.


    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

  8. Design Principle Take things away until the design breaks, then put that last thing back in.


    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

  9. And if that isn’t enough, when she clicks on a tab in the back row, the entire row of tabs moves forward, shunting the other two rows to the back.

    问题在于标签的移动! 激活的标签必须位于底部这一行,所以如果你单击拼写和语法,这一行就必须滚到底部,另一行则上升到顶部。

    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

  10. Soft-labeled buttons address this problem, but add more buttons back to the surface of the remote.


    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

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