


prep. 在下面nadv. 在下面


r. in or to a place that is lowernr. at a later placenr. (in writing) see below


  • 1. below : be-,表强调,low,下面的。


  • [swam, dove] below the [water]

    [在水下] [游泳,潜水]

  • [hit, struck] below the belt

    [击中、打击] 腰带以下

  • (are living) below the poverty line


  • below the [national, average, indicated] level


  • below average


  • below [par, standard, minimum]


  • see below for (more) [details, instructions, information]


  • please find more [details] below


19 条词语搭配,  当前显示8/19


  • Sense: Lower in position Synonyms: beneath , underneath , down from, under , down , lower , lower than, lower down, lower down than, down below, further down, further down than
  • Sense: Lower in rank or importance Synonyms: inferior, subject to, lesser , subordinate, under , beneath , lower than, lower in the food chain than, reporting to, subordinate to, less than, inferior to
  • Sense: In written work, farther along Synonyms: following , later, infra, vide infra, v.i. (Latin), in a statement to be made, hereinafter , subsequently , further along, further , further on, hereafter , thereafter , on a subsequent page
  • Sense: In a ship, on or to a lower deck Synonyms: between-decks, below-decks, in the hold, in steerage, in the engine room, below the waterline
  • Sense: On earth Synonyms: in this world, here below, under the sun, on the face of the earth, in mundane existence, in this period of earthly probation, in this our life, here , on earth, here on earth, under heaven
  • Sense: In hell Synonyms: in the underworld, with the fallen angels, in Pluto's realm, damned , condemned, in hell, down below, burning in hell, in the infernal regions, in everlasting torment


  1. We’ll discuss these in detail below.


    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

  2. Unlike the poorly mapped stovetop knobs, the target of this control is clear—the drop-down menu selections will affect the list below them.


    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

  3. Our Goal-Directed process for defining product requirements is described below.


    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

  4. Our new File menu now looks like the one shown in Figure 17-4, and functions as described below:


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  5. The black rectangle denotes part of the song that the work area below is zoomed in on.


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  6. As long as the guide stays focused on beginner issues, like scope and goals, and avoids perpetual intermediate and expert issues (discussed below), it should be adequate for assisting beginners.

    只要这种引导持续集中在新手所关注的问题,诸如范围和目标。 而避免那些只有中间用户和专家才关心的问题(我们将在下面讨论),对于帮助新手来说,它应该就足够了。

    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

  7. A user points and clicks on a menu bar and its immediately subordinate list of options appears in a small window just below it.


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  8. These steps are bounded—the value won’t go above the upper limit set by the program or below the lower limit.


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  9. It’s often useful to try several arrangements on for size, running through validation scenarios (see Step 6, below), before landing on the best solution.


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  10. Each principle is discussed in detail below.


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