


n. 感冒, 寒冷na. 寒冷的, 冷淡的, 冷静的nadv. 完全地


n. a mild viral infection involving the nose and respiratory passages (but not the lungs)nn. the sensation produced by low temperaturesna. having a low or inadequate temperature or feeling a sensation of coldness or having been made cold by e.g. ice or refrigerationna. extended meanings; especially of psychological coldness; without human warmth or emotion


  • 1. cold : 来自PIE*gel,冷,词源同glacier,jelly.


  • cold [water, soup, food]


  • (hot and) cold [drinks, beverages, running water]


  • the [weather] is (getting) cold


  • is getting colder every day


  • is colder than [yesterday]


  • have cold [hands, ears, feet, fingers]


  • I'm (so) cold


  • [feels, is] cold to the touch


52 条词语搭配,  当前显示8/52


  • Sense: Said of the weather Synonyms: chilly , cool , crisp , icy , freezing , frigid, frosty, rimy, wintry, bleak , nippy, brisk , keen , inclement, penetrating, snowy, frozen , sleety, blasting, cutting , brumal, snappy, algid, gelid, piercing , chill , bitter , numbing, severe , boreal, stinging, glacial, intense , Siberian, sharp , raw , nipping, arctic, polar, below zero, biting , parky (UK), slang , fresh , below freezing
  • Sense: Said of people, animals, or things Synonyms: freezing , frozen , clammy, stiff , chilled , frostbitten, shivering, chilly , cool , coldblooded, hypothermic, ice-cold, refrigerated, in cold storage, blue from cold, chilled to the bone
  • Sense: Said of temperament Synonyms: unresponsive, distant , unconcerned, aloof , indifferent, unfriendly , icy , chilly , frosty, frigid, hostile , reserved , hardhearted, impassive, cool as a cucumber (slang), unsympathetic, standoffish, stony, unfeeling, emotionless
  • Sense: Absence of warmth Synonyms: coldness, frozenness, chilliness, frostiness, frost , nip , bitterness, rawness, crispness, briskness, draft , frostbite, chill , shivers, coolness, shivering, goose flesh, numbness, iciness, frigidity, freeze , glaciation, refrigeration, gelidity, congelation, weather , draught (UK), windchill
  • Sense: The outdoors of a cold season Synonyms: frost , wintertime, snow , winter , wintry weather, Jack Frost
  • Sense: An aural or respiratory congestion Synonyms: head cold, common cold, flu , catarrh, rheum, cough , hack , sore throat, sinus trouble, cold on one's chest, bronchitis, ague, laryngitis, hay fever, grippe, influenza, rose fever, rose cold, asthma, whooping cough, pertussis, streptococcic throat, staphylococcic infection, virus , sinusitis, coryza, strep throat, strep, sniffles, bug , frog in one's throat, disease , strep infection, illness , sniffle, pharyngitis, chest infection, throat infection, tickly cough, chesty cough, swine flu, H1N1, bird flu, avian flu


  1. The cold war has unsettled people's minds.


    -- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

  2. I love cold drinks, especially in summer.


    -- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

  3. The cold weather antedated their departure.


    -- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

  4. " Bold" and" cold" are rhymes.


    -- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

  5. The World That Came in from the Cold is therefore an allusion to the world that has been left out in the cold in disgrace and is now restored to an acceptable degree of respectability.

    因此,The World That Came in from the cold这本书是暗指这个曾冷落失势,现在已恢复到一种过得去的体面程度的世界。

    -- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

  6. The word "cold" in this context is a reference to a position of isolation, alienation or outlaw status.


    -- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

  7. The Spy that Came in from the Cold was the title of an English spy novel that was very popular prior to the fall of Soviet Communism.

    《The Spy that Came in from the cold》是在苏联共产主义政权垮台以前很流行的一本美国间谍小说的名字。

    -- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

  8. These days one sometimes hears "come in from the cold" outside its original spy context.

    现在,你可以在原来的特务背景之外的事情上听到“come in from the cold”这个说法了。

    -- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

  9. As the Cold War has come to a definitive end with the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the world has "come in from the cold'.

    由于冷战随着苏联解体而告决定性地终止,这个世界已“come in from the cold”。

    -- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

  10. His cold manner holds people off.


    -- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

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