


n. 列, 线, 绳, 电线, 线路, 路线, 航线, 作业线, 界线, 战线, 外形, 排, 家系nvt. 排成一行, 顺...排列, 划线于, 加衬里, 使有线条, 使起皱纹nvi. 排队n[计] 线路


n. a formation of people or things one beside anothernn. a mark that is long relative to its widthnn. a formation of people or things one behind anothernn. a length (straight or curved) without breadth or thickness; the trace of a moving point


  • 1. line : 来自拉丁语linum,亚麻,词源同linen,linseed.引申词义麻绳,绳索,行业等诸多词义。


  • draw a [curved, straight, thin, wavy] line


  • [perspective, parallel, perpendicular] lines

    [透视、平行、垂直] 线

  • the plumb line


  • lines of symmetry


  • the [bus, train, subway] line

    [公交、火车、地铁] 线路

  • get off the line!


  • (please) hold the line


  • drop me a line when (you get back)


56 条词语搭配,  当前显示8/56


  • Sense: A row Synonyms: rank , file , array , arrangement , range , series , sequence , succession, chain , train , string , column , procession, formation , queue , mark , scar , thread , fissure, crack , straight line, seam
  • Sense: A mark Synonyms: outline , tracing, stroke , mark
  • Sense: A rope Synonyms: cord , rope
  • Sense: Lineal descent Synonyms: descent , pedigree, lineage
  • Sense: A border line Synonyms: border , mark , limit , boundary , edge
  • Sense: A course Synonyms: course
  • Sense: Policy Synonyms: policy
  • Sense: Matter printed in a row of type Synonyms: row
  • Sense: A military front Synonyms: front line, front
  • Sense: A railroad Synonyms: trunk line, sideline, mainline, railroad, track , railway
  • Sense: An organization supplying transportation Synonyms: steamship line, airline, bus company
  • Sense: Talk intended to influence another Synonyms: patter, blarney
  • Sense: To provide a lining Synonyms: interline, wad, panel , reinforce the back of, pad , quilt
  • Sense: To provide lines Synonyms: trace , delineate, outline
  • Sense: To be in a line Synonyms: fall in, fall into line
  • Sense: To arrange in a line Synonyms: align , range , array , rank , file , line up


  1. Can you wrap the text to the next line to avoid that horizontal length?


    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

  2. With a command line, users can just type in a command and the computer executes it immediately.


    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

  3. Two types of symmetry are most often employed in interfaces: vertical axial symmetry (symmetry along a vertical line, usually drawn down the middle of a group of elements) or diagonal axial symmetry (symmetry along a diagonal line).


    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

  4. When a user selects an object, a vertical line extends from the center of the object to the grid.


    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

  5. Not following this line of reasoning can lead to the problem of users’ initial impressions being out of sync with reality.


    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

  6. Transformations include all image-manipulation tools—shear, sharpness, hue, rotate, contrast, and line weight.


    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

  7. In particular, the input they could accept from the user went from an unrestricted command line to a tightly restricted set of mouse-based actions.


    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

  8. A list control filled with line after line of text unrelieved by visual symbols is a dry desert indeed.


    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

  9. The controls line up so that they can be read like an English sentence.


    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

  10. Software, too, has a pretty clear dividing line between goal-directed tasks and excise tasks.


    -- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓

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