Avoiding Medical Mistakes

This is Gwen Outen with the VOA Special English Health Report.

Five years ago, researchers estimated the number of deaths eachyear from medical mistakes in United States hospitals. The estimatewas between forty-four thousand and ninety-eight thousand, or one inevery two hundred patients.

The study called "To Err Is Human" came from the Institute ofMedicine, part of the National Academy of Sciences. Some expertscalled the estimates too high; others called them too low.

The report called for changes in hospital policies in an effortto reduce the chance for mistakes. The study called for anotherexamination later this year to measure progress.

Health care experts say a number of reforms have yet to takeplace. But they say hospitals have made improvements. Some involveeasy steps to avoid misunderstandings. If a patient needs anoperation on the left leg, for example, the word "yes" might bewritten on that leg. The word "no" might be written on the otherleg. Last month a hospital inspection group ordered that simplesafety measures like these be required before all operations.

Another effort to reduce mistakes involves information sharingamong hospitals to improve the treatment of newborn babies. Eachhospital can search the collected information for the best way toperform an operation or treat different problems.

The Institute of Medicine report five years ago said mostmistakes are caused by communication failures. These includemistakes with medicines. New medicines with similar names are partof the problem. Also, handwritten orders from doctors are oftendifficult to read.

There are efforts to increase the use of computers in hospitalsto avoid such mistakes. The goal is make sure patients get thecorrect medicines and in the correct amounts. A computer can alsohelp avoid other problems. For example, it can warn if a medicinewill react dangerously with other drugs taken by the patient.

The flight industry has done a lot of work to reduce mistakes.This includes training pilots about the importance of teamwork. Butsafety experts say teamwork is not the only solution. Efforts arealso made to change systems where misunderstandings and mistakes caneasily happen.

This VOA Special English Health Report was written by PaulThompson. This is Gwen Outen.