Intel Excellence in Science Teaching Awards

This is Steve Ember with the VOA Special English EducationReport.

Five high school teachers are the winners of an internationalaward from the computer technology company Intel in the UnitedStates. The award honors excellence in the teaching of mathematicsand science. The program is also meant as a way to help the winnersshare their ideas with other teachers.

The five teachers won trips to theIntel International Science and Engineering Fair held this week inPortland, Oregon. Each of the teachers also received more thanthree-thousand dollars in prize winnings. Each winner will also beable to request up to ten-thousand dollars to pay for establishingtheir programs in other schools.

The winners are from Argentina, Japan, Ukraine and the UnitedStates. Maria Adela Moyano de Burt teaches biology at a high schoolin Concepcion City, Argentina. Her program unites local students andadults to work on research projects. These involve the environmentand behavioral science. The goal is to develop ways to help improvethe quality of life in their area.

Akihiko Shindo teaches at a high school in Okayama, Japan. Theaward information says he presents students with scientific methodsusually taught only at the university level. He has also developed afour-day camp for high school students to learn about scientifictechnology and nature.

Paul Pshenichka teaches physics in Chernivtsi, Ukraine. Heestablished a group for students to work with scientific advisersand receive support for research. Students in his program take partin Ukrainian national and international scientific conferences andcompetitions.

Roberta Tanner teaches physics in Loveland, Colorado. Shedeveloped a class that permits students to design and build theirown engineering and electronics projects.

Wafa Khalil teaches in Miami, Florida. She developed a course ofstudy about forms of energy like power from the sun. Studentsinvestigate energy use around the world. This includes the economicand environmental effects.

Intel calls its International Science and Engineering Fair "theworld's largest pre-college celebration of science." More thanone-thousand high school students from forty countries arepresenting science projects in Portland this week.

This VOA Special English Education Report was written by NancySteinbach. This is Steve Ember.