Crowds Enjoy Pitchfork Music Festival

American Mosaic

A Swingin Singin Group


"It just took our mind off of it, learning the songs and knowing where we're going to perform because you just never know if he's going to be alive or if I'm going to lose him."

"Afterwards, everybody would come up and shake our hands, and just give us that extra encouragement that they'll be back. Our kids will be back. So we needed to hear that."

"Sometimes they'll be enjoying it and laughing and the next song they will be crying. And then they'll come up to us and say thank you so much for that, that was the last song I danced to with my husband. It just brings back so many memories for them. It really is amazing."

"It's not about having a huge audience, it's just get that one guy out there with that twinkle in his eye and bring that smile to his face, and we would sing forever."

The Craft of Beermaking...

"This tall vessel right here is the mash tun, and if you think of brewing beer as like roughly analogous to making coffee in a basket coffee maker, this would be the basket of the basket coffee maker."

"And it goes into the kettle where we boil it for an hour, add hops there. Hops provide bitterness and aroma. They also have some preservative qualities. Hops added early in the boil provide more bitterness, hops added late in the boil provide more aroma."

"Beer just has a sort of unparalleled breadth of flavors. In one simple, elemental drink there's a billion decisions that went into making a beer, and every single one of them changes the outcome."

"You can't open up a bar these days that serves beer and have it be an afterthought."

Belle and Sebastian, Solange Knowles and Bjork