Remembering Astronaut Neil Armstrong


Bernie Krausehas recorded more than 15,000 species and 4,000 hours of wild soundcapes. (Tim Chapman)

CHRISTOPHER CRUISE: The “American Idol” winner denies that “Thank You Camellia” is named for a girl. He says Camellia is instead a street in Los Angeles where some of his friends let him live while he was recording songs for the new CD. He slept at their house on and off for almost a year.

The twenty-seven year old star says it was nice to enjoy the warmth and comfort of friends, instead of going all alone to a hotel every night. He wanted to thank his friends for their support so he named the album after them.

“The Vision of Love” is the first song from the album. It was a Top Forty hit.


“The Vision of Love” is about two young people who are struggling with loneliness and bullying. Kris Allen calls it an inspirational song about helping those in need, something he feels very strongly about. The artist visited Rwanda last year to give shoes to needy people. He has also done work with non-profit groups like “Music Empowers” and “The Trevor Project.”

Many of the songs on "Thank You Camellia" are about love. Kris Allen says he knows how to love, but he is still learning how to love well. This feeling is expressed in the song “Teach Me How Love Goes.”


Kris Allen says reaction to his new CD has been good. One friend told him that "Thank You Camellia" was even better than his first CD. The new recording comes three years after the release of his self-titled debut CD. We leave you with the first release from that album and its only Top Twenty hit, “Live Like We’re Dying.”


JUNE SIMMS: I’m June Simms. Join us again next week for music and more on AMERICAN MOSAIC in VOA Special English.