Chopsticks For China, But Made in America

Photo: VOA - P. Graitcer
Georgia Chopsticks, which turns out two million pairs each day, expects to ramp up production to 10 million by the end of the year.

DOUG JOHNSON: Welcome to AMERICAN MOSAIC in VOA Special English.

I'm Doug Johnson. This week on our show, we play new music from Bon Iver.

We also answer a question about the hours of American workers.

But, first, we learn about a small American company that is answering a big demand for chopsticks in China.


DOUG JOHNSON: In the United States, many manufactured goods include the words "Made in China." But one small company in the American state of Georgia is making traditional Chinese chopsticks -- and sending them to China. Faith Lapidus has more.

FAITH LAPIDUS: Chopsticks are sticks used in some Asian countries to eat food. They are often made out of wood, but can also be made of plastic. Most of the world's chopsticks are made in China. Several hundred Chinese manufacturers produce about sixty three billion pairs of chopsticks a year. However, those manufacturers need more wood.

One small company in the American city of Americus, Georgia has recognized this demand.

It started producing chopsticks for export to China. Korean-American Jae Lee is the president of Georgia Chopsticks. He says the world market for chopsticks is huge.

JAE LEE: "Right now, we are making about two million pairs of chopsticks per day. But we are increasing. End of this month, we'll have seven machines coming in. So it'll increase to like four million per day. End of this year, we will produce ten million per day."

FAITH LAPIDUS: About one-third of the world's population uses chopsticks. Japan, for example, uses about twenty three billion pairs of the sticks each year.

China may need more wood for producing chopsticks. But David Garriga says there is plenty of wood near Americus, Georgia. Mr. Garriga is the head of the local economic development council.

DAVID GARRIGA: "Rural Georgia and the cities of rural Georgia, they're blessed with tons of natural resources. The Pacific Rim, especially areas in China and Japan, they've run out of wood, but we have an abundance of it."

In central Georgia, sweetgum and poplar trees grow in large numbers. In fact, these trees make good chopsticks. This is because the wood is not firm and has a nice color. Unlike many Asian chopsticks, these Georgia-made chopsticks do not need to be lightened with chemicals and bleach.

Georgia Chopsticks opened at the end of last year. It received four hundred fifty requests for jobs in just two weeks. Today, the company employs fifty seven people at its factory. Jae Lee hopes to increase production and add one hundred more workers by the end of the year.

Every chopstick his company makes goes to Asia, where they are sold to stores in China, Korea, and Japan. Right now, Georgia Chopsticks cannot keep up with demand for its product.

It costs Jae Lee less than one cent to make a pair of chopsticks. But he says he is not making any money yet. To earn a profit, he needs to produce more than four million chopsticks a day. He says he hopes to do this in the next month or two.

David Garriga notes that the American connection to the production of chopsticks has a funny side.

DAVID GARRIGA: "Suddenly, there's a huge nation, the fastest growing in the world, that finances part of our national debt, and here we are making their basic products and shipping it to them, like they've done for us for years. It's just kind of a reverse."


DOUG JOHNSON: Our question this week comes from China. Lisa wants to know about the work hours of Americans. Lisa says she works from seven thirty until eleven in the morning. She then has an hour to eat and rest. She returns to work at twelve, and stays on the job until four thirty.

How much time do Americans spend working?

Her question is timely since the Bureau of Labor Statistics recently released results of its American Time Use Survey for twenty ten. The survey began in two thousand three. Its aim was to provide estimates about how, where and with whom Americans spend their time. This kind of information can be helpful to media organizations, economists, sociologists and other experts as part of their research.

Rachel Krantz-Kent is program manager of the American Time Use Survey. She says one finding showed that men who have a job worked, on average, more hours than employed women.

RACHEL KRANTZ-KENT: "One of the interesting things we know from the American Time Use Survey is that, on average, American men spend more time working for pay than American women. However, while men work more hours than women, we also observe that women are spending more time providing childcare and doing household work such as cleaning and food preparation."

The American Time Use Survey found that employed people work an average of seven and a half hours a day. Full-time male workers average eight point two hours a day, while women average seven point eight hours.

The report shows that more people work on weekdays than on Saturday and Sunday – the traditional weekend days. Eighty-two percent of employed people work on an average weekday, compared with thirty-five percent who work on an average weekend.

The report notes the times individuals work. Between two thousand five and two thousand nine, over fifty percent of American workers were at their job by eight in the morning.

The report also tells how Americans spend their time away from work.

On an average day, nearly everyone fifteen years of age and older took part in a non-work activity like watching television, socializing or exercising. The study found that people spend an average of two point seven hours a day watching television.

Time spent reading was linked to age. Adults seventy-five years and older averaged one point one hours of reading a day on weekends. But people between the ages of fifteen and nineteen averaged about six minutes of reading a day. Those individuals spent more time playing games or using a computer for non-work activities.