Bush Supports Israeli Withdrawal Plan

This is Steve Ember with the VOA Special English program, In theNews.

President Bush this week announced his support for a proposal byIsraeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. The plan is called adisengagement. Details published Friday said Israel would removetroops and all settlements from the Gaza Strip by the end of nextyear. About seven-thousand settlers live there.

Israel would also remove four settlements in the West Bank. Butsix large settlements would remain. The ruling Likud party of MisterSharon is expected to vote on the proposal on May second.

Mister Sharon visited the White House on Wednesday. PresidentBush praised what he called "historic and courageous actions."Mister Bush said Friday that the plan gives the Palestinians, in hiswords, "a chance to create a reformed, just and free government."

Palestinian leaders have denounced the president. Prime MinisterAhmed Qureia said Mister Bush is the first president to acceptJewish settlements in Palestinian territories. Opposition tosettlements has been American policy for more than twenty years.

British Prime Minister Tony Blairwas at the White House Friday. He said he welcomed the plan. MisterBlair urged other countries to get involved. He said this is achance to help the Palestinians get ready to govern the territorythat would be under their control.

At least for now, Israel would continue to control airspace,waters and land passages.

Mister Sharon says the disengagement is necessary because thePalestinian Authority has failed to stop attacks against Israelis.Diplomatic efforts also have not succeeded.

A Bush administration official said the president supports theplan because Israel is taking steps to remove existing settlements.Mister Bush said removing all Jewish settlements in the West Bankwould be unrealistic.

Palestinian officials called for an emergency meeting of theUnited Nations, the United States, Russia and the European Union.Palestinian President Yasser Arafat says Palestinians will neverstop seeking an independent state with Jerusalem as its capital.

Israel captured Gaza and the West Bank in thenineteen-sixty-seven Middle East War. It soon began to buildsettlements. Palestinians want their own state in all of the WestBank and Gaza. They also demand the right of return to lands thatare now part of Israel.

Mister Bush says Palestinian refugees should settle in a futurePalestinian state. He urged Israel and the Palestinians to negotiatea final settlement to establish borders and to settle the refugeeissue.

The Israeli plan also provides for a security barrier that isbeing built through parts of the West Bank. Palestinians say itdivides their land and their lives. President Bush say the barriershould be temporary.

On Friday, several thousand Palestinians protested againstPresident Bush and Prime Minister Sharon.

In the News, in VOA Special English, was written by Cynthia Kirk.This is Steve Ember.