Afghanistan Aid Conference

This is Steve Ember with IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English.

Nations from around the world agreed this week to give more thaneight-thousand-million dollars in development aid to Afghanistan.That amount is to be provided during the next three years. Theagreement was announced during a two-day conference in Berlin,Germany. Delegates from more than fifty nations attended themeeting.

In this year alone, Afghanistan will get more thanfour-thousand-five-hundred-million dollars in aid. The United Statesis providing almost half of that amount. Reports say the aid wouldhelp the Afghan government pay wages to its workers, prepare fornational elections and continue rebuilding roads and schools. TheUnited States also offered an additionalone-hundred-twenty-three-million dollars to fight the illegal drugtrade in Afghanistan.

American Secretary of State Colin Powell attended the conferencein Berlin. He praised the progress made by Afghanistan since anAmerican-led attack ousted the Taliban government in latetwo-thousand one. Mister Powell said that United States forces wouldremain in Afghanistan for as long as needed. He urged America'smilitary allies to provide more troops and military equipment tofight three threats: the illegal drug trade, private armies andterrorists.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai thanked other countries at theconference for their continued support. He said his country isworking to become independent.

Afghanistan is one of the most aid-dependent countries in theworld. Reports say it produces just five-percent of all the moneycollected by the Afghan government. Afghan officials have said thatalmost twenty-eight-thousand-million dollars is needed during thenext seven years for rebuilding and development.

However, studies show that poor security and a lack of foreignaid have slowed rebuilding efforts. Private armies and rebel groupscontrol about one-third of Afghanistan. Most of them are in an areaalong the border with Pakistan.

Afghanistan is the world's largest producer of opium from poppyplants. Opium is used to produce the illegal drug heroin. PresidentKarzai described Afghanistan's battle against illegal drugs as along-term struggle. He said other legal forms of economic activitymust replace the drug trade.

This week, Afghanistan and six other countries agreed tocooperate in the fight against illegal drugs. The other six areChina, Iran, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

Conference delegates also discussed security concerns in themonths before planned Afghan elections. Officials agreed to sendfive more military rebuilding teams to improve security. Theelections are expected in September. They will be the firstdemocratic elections ever held in Afghanistan.

IN THE NEWS, in VOA Special English, was written by Cynthia Kirk.This is Steve Ember.