A Cup of Joe With Average Joes and Plain Janes

Now, the VOA Special English program Words and Their Stories.

A person's name is very important. Some names also have special meanings in popular American expressions. To better understand what I mean, sit back and listen. You might even want to get a cup of Joe -- I mean, a cup of coffee.

One day, an Average Joe was walking down the street. An Average Joe is a common person -- either male or female. This Average Joe was lost. He did not know Jack about where he was going. By this, I mean he did not know anything about where to find things in the city.

So Average Joe asked John Q. Public for directions to the nearest bank. John Q. Public is also a common person -- male or female.

President Barack Obama is not an "average joe." He is seen here sampling coffee (a cup of joe) at Parkville Coffee in Parkville, Missouri, July 30, 2014,

Jeez Louise

For Pete's sake

doubting Thomas

Joe Blow plain Jane real Sheila

No way, Jose

from Adam
Jack of all trades

Uncle Sam John Hancock

a Johnny One Note