Celebrity Pulls Driver from Burning Car

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Actor Jamie Foxx won an Academy Award for playing singer Ray Charles in the film "Ray."

Foxx is famous for his work in movies, his jokes in stand-up comedy routines and even for recording songs.

And on Monday, Foxx added another honor to the list.

Jamie Foxx hugs the father of Brett Kyle.

He saved a man from a burning car.

Thirty-two-year-old Brett Kyle drove a truck off the road in front of Foxx's home in California. The truck hit a ditch and reportedly turned over several times.

The truck caught fire and Foxx ran out of his home to help.

He pulled the driver out of the truck and to safety.

Kyle was taken to the hospital for treatment of serious injuries. He also was arrested for drunken driving.

Foxx met with the man's father on Tuesday.

The story was one of the top trending items on Twitter Wednesday morning.

People had only good things to say about Foxx for doing a good deed.

And Foxx added a photo to Instagram. It shows him hugging Kyle's father.

Foxx wrote: "This is all that matters. That a man, a son, a brother's life was spared last night."

And that's What's Trending Today.

I'm Dan Friedell.

Dan Friedell wrote this story for Learning English. George Grow was the editor.