Chimpanzees May Recognize Emotions in Others

As It Is


Pippo, a chimpanzee, enjoys iced food at a zoo in Rome as temperatures reached 35 degrees Celsius in July

World renowned primate expert Jane Goodall believes using chimpanzees in medical research is "morally wrong and unacceptable".

Chimps Respond to Human Yawning

Chimps and Humans Said to Share a Sense of Fair Play

Study: Chimps Used in Medical Research Show Signs of Post-Traumatic Stress

Chimpanzees: Alarm calls with "intent"?

A chimp reaches for food at Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary, Uganda. (H. Heuler/VOA)

Pumpkin, a 24-year-old chimpanzee at the Alamogordo Primate Facility, N.M., loves coconuts and kiddie swimming pools. APF is a chimpanzee reserve where no research is conducted. Credit: NIH