Help for Heroin Addicts

As It Is

"If you balance the investment you make in the research and the implementation with the health benefit, vaccines have to be either the top or very much on the short list."

From: "I Left My Heart in San Francisco," by Tony Bennett:
I left my heart in San Francisco
High on a hill...

Vaccine Could Be Used To Treat Heroin Addicts

Recovering heroin addicts use art therapy and other methods to rebuild their lives at a sober house in Zanzibar, February 9, 2012.

"So, it just, it creates like a wall to block the drug from entering the brain, the pleasure centers."

"What happens if you don't vaccinate them they re-escalate and, and double the amount of intake. In, in the case of the ((rats given the)) vaccine, they completely don't recognize the heroin at all and stop taking it."

From "King Heroin," by James Brown:
All through your sentence you've become resolved to your fate
Hear now, young man and woman
I'll be waitin' at the gate
And don't be afraid, don't run, I'm not chased
Sure my name is Heroin, and you'll be back for a taste

James Brown
Behold, you're hooked, your foot is in the stirrup
And make haste, mount the steed and ride him well
For the white horse of heroin will ride you to Hell, to Hell
Will ride you to Hell...

The Value of Vaccines

Rwandan child receiving pneumococcal vaccine, April, 2009

"Vaccines have made an enormous impact on improving health in the United States. Diseases like smallpox, measles, polio -- they've been eliminated or eradicated from the United States and in the case of smallpox, it's been eradicated worldwide."

Anthony Fauci of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases speaks at the XIX International AIDS Conference, July 23, 2012, in Washington.

"If you had to pick out one intervention, if you balance the investment you make in the research and the implementation with the health benefit, vaccines have to be either the top or very much on the short list."

The Most-Photographed Bridge In The World?

Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, California

As It Is


As It Is