Vietnam Aims to Grow Economy by 7 Percent in 2020

The Vietnam-based financial services company SSI Research reported the goal on January third. The Vietnamese central government set a target for its Gross Domestic Product, or GDP, to increase 6.8 to seven percent. GDP represents the value of all goods and services produced within a country during one year.
越南金融服务公司SSI Research公司于1月3日报告了这一目标。越南中央政府设定了国内生产总值提高到6.8%到7%的目标。国内生产总值代表一个国家一年内生产的所有商品和服务的价值。

SSI Research said the growth is expected to be driven by investments in manufacturing, a lack of trade disputes involving Vietnam and a rising middle class. Manufacturing is predicted to be the leading area of growth, followed closely by the service industry, SSI Research said.
越南SSI Research公司表示,这种增长预计将由制造业投资、越南没有卷入贸易争端以及中产阶级人数增加来推动。该公司表示,制造业预计将引领增长,紧随其后的是服务业。

The Asian Development Bank keeps economic data of Asian countries. Its information shows that a seven percent expansion rate would place Vietnam among the 10 fastest-growing Asian economies this year. It also would put Vietnam ahead of China. The development bank has predicted a six percent rate for China in 2020.
亚洲开发银行掌握着亚洲国家的经济数据。该行的信息显示,7%的扩张将使越南成为增长最快的10个亚洲经济体之一。这也将使得越南超过中国。亚洲开发银行预计2020年中国经济 增长率为6%。

Song Seng Wun is an economist with CIMB, a banking group in Singapore. He told VOA that much of Vietnam's predicted growth in 2020 will come from money flowing into factories, offices and port operations.

Experts say foreign-supported manufacturing is expected to lead the country's economy in 2020, just as it has for the past seven years. Song said a lot of foreign investors like, what he calls, "government stability" in Vietnam. Pay for factory workers in Vietnam can also be low. They can receive as little as $132 a month.

Most of the investors come from Japan, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan. The companies' Vietnamese factories produce things like clothing, car parts and electronics.

In the first half of 2019, foreign investment projects were expected to reach $9.1 billion. That would be a nearly eight percent increase over the same period in 2018. That information comes from the website of the Ministry of Planning and Investment.

Besides manufacturing, economic experts say tourism and improvements in higher education are also expected to increase growth.

Between 2010 and 2018, the number of foreign tourists in Vietnam increased from 5 million to more than 15 million. This growth was mainly fueled by an increase in Chinese visitors.

Economists say another driver of foreign investment in Vietnam is a rise in higher education enrollment. The percentage of Vietnamese receiving higher education has jumped from 10 to about 30 percent of the population since 2000.

Murray Hiebert is a Southeast Asia expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C. He told VOA that education matters in Vietnam because investors want workers with stronger problem-solving skills. Such employees can work in technical positions or help lead local offices, Hiebert said.

The Boston Consulting Group predicts that more than one-third of Vietnam's 97 million people will be in, what is considered, the middle class by next year. Middle-class growth is fueled mainly by jobs created by manufacturing for export. As a result, many Vietnamese now have more money to spend on things like electronics, transportation, travel and education, the group said.