Women Break Records at 2021 Grammy Awards

Beyoncé received her 28th Grammy, breaking the record for most Grammys won by a female. The position had been held for many years by country music star Allison Krauss. The British musician Georg Solti, who died in 1997, remains the top Grammy winner of all time, with 31 awards.

The top four 2021 Grammys all went to female musicians, including Swift. She won album of the year for Folklore, becoming the first female to win the award three times. She shares the record for most album of the year wins with Stevie Wonder, Frank Sinatra and Paul Simon.

The artist H.E.R. won song of the year for I Can't Breathe. The song explores police killings of Black Americans. It was written in honor of George Floyd, who was killed during an arrest by police last year. The event led to massive demonstrations around the country to protest abuse by police.
歌手H.E.R凭借《I Can't Breathe》获得年度歌曲奖。这首歌探究了警察杀害美国黑人。它是为纪念去年在一次警方拘捕行动中被杀的乔治·弗洛伊德而作。该事件导致美国各地发生了大规模示威游行,以抗议警察的虐杀行为。

The record of the year honor went to Billie Eilish for Everything I Wanted. The musician accepted the award Sunday night but told the crowd that the honor should have gone to artist Megan Thee Stallion.
年度制作奖颁给了比莉·艾利什(碧梨)的《Everything I Wanted》。这位音乐人周日晚上接受了这一奖项,但是对人们表示,这一荣誉应该颁给艺人梅根·西·斯塔莉安。

"You deserve this," Eilish said, addressing Megan Thee Stallion. "You had a year that I think is untoppable. You are a queen. I want to cry thinking about how much I love you."

Megan Thee Stallion still did quite well at the awards ceremony. She won three honors, including best new artist. She also won best rap song for Savage, becoming the first female to be honored in that category.

Although women have won all top four awards before, Sunday night was the first time four separate and solo women won the top four honors.

"I feel like there's ... a lot of female empowerment and lots of women winning awards tonight. And so it's been absolutely amazing to just be alongside all that, to feel that energy," Dua Lipa, who won best pop vocal album, said at the event.

Beyoncé picked up four honors, including best R&B performance for Black Parade, as well sharing best rap performance and best rap song with Megan Thee Stallion.

"As an artist I believe it's my job, and all of our jobs, to reflect time and it's been such a difficult time," Beyoncé said as she accepted the award for Black Parade, which was released on June 19th to mark the holiday Juneteenth.
碧昂斯在接受凭借《Black Parade》获得的奖项时表示:“作为艺人,我认为这是我的职责,也是我们所有人的职责,那就是要反应时代,这是一段非常艰难的时期。”这首单曲于去年6月19日发行,以纪念六月解放日。

She went on to say she created the song to honor the "beautiful Black kings and queens" in the world.

She added: "This is such a magical night."

Beyoncé now ties producer and artist Quincy Jones for second place among all Grammy winners.

The Grammys featured pre-recorded performances that helped the nearly four-hour show run smoothly. Host Trevor Noah told jokes about the COVID-19 crisis and the year that was 2020. The show was live from Los Angeles with attendees wearing masks and sitting, socially distanced, at small round tables.

Country singer Mickey Guyton – the first Black woman nominated for best country solo performance – performed her song Black Like Me.
乡村歌手米奇·盖顿是首位获得最佳乡村独奏提名的黑人女性,她演唱了她的歌曲《Black Like Me》。

Black Parade was among several songs honoring the Black experience that won Grammys Sunday, including H.E.R.'s I Can't Breathe and Anderson Paak's Lockdown, which was also released on Juneteenth.
《 Black Parade》是周日获得格莱美奖项的几首纪念黑人经历的歌曲之一,其它歌曲还包括H.E.R.演唱的《I Can't Breathe》以及安德森·帕克的《Lockdown》,这首歌曲也于去年的六月解放日发行。