US Sanctions Bill Goes to Trump, Russia Responds

The measure passed both houses of Congress this week. The vote in the House was 419-3, while the Senate approved it 98-2.

If President Donald Trump signs the bill, it becomes law. If he vetoes it, Congress is likely to override the veto to allow it to become law.

White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci left open the possibility that Trump could reject the new sanctions. He told CNN on Thursday the president might decide to veto, then try to "negotiate an even tougher deal against the Russians."
白宫通讯主管监安东尼·斯卡拉姆奇(Anthony Scaramucci)没有排除川普否决这些新制裁的可能性。他周四对CNN表示,总统可能会否决制裁案,然后尝试“商定一项对俄罗斯更为严厉的协议。”

Top lawmakers from both parties criticized a possible presidential veto.

"I think that would be a very bad mistake," Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn, a Texas Republican, told VOA. "What would be better is if they [White House officials] worked with us on the legislation."
德州共和党参议员、参议院多数党党鞭约翰·科宁(John Cornyn)对美国之音表示:“我认为这会是一个严重的错误。白宫官员在这个法案上最好是跟我们合作。”

Democratic Senator Ben Cardin of Maryland said the bill gives Trump a better negotiating position with Russian President Vladimir Putin. "If he vetoes it, it means he doesn't want a stronger hand in dealing with Mr. Putin," Cardin said.
马里兰州民主党参议员本·卡丁(Bill Cardin)表示,这项法案为川普同俄罗斯总统普京谈判提供了更好的立足点。“如果他否决这项议案,那就意味着他不想用更强的手段来对付普京先生。”

The bill places economic restrictions on many Russian industries. Russia's economy has already felt the effects from 2014 sanctions placed in response to Moscow's annexation of Crimea from Ukraine.

The new sanctions are meant to punish Russia for that action. They are also a response to U.S. intelligence findings that Russia took steps to interfere in the U.S. presidential election. President Putin has repeatedly denied his government had any involvement in trying to influence the American election.

In addition to Russia, the bill places sanctions on North Korea for its continued nuclear program. The measure bars North Korean ships from operating in American waters or docking at U.S. ports. The ban extends to ships from nations not following United Nations resolutions against North Korea. The bill bans goods produced by North Korea's forced labor from entering the U.S.

Also, the legislation punishes people involved in Iran's ballistic missile program and anyone doing business with them. It also places restrictions on Iran's Revolutionary Guards.

Russia was quick to criticize passage of the bill and answered with its own diplomatic measures.

The Russian foreign ministry said the sanctions were evidence of "extreme aggression of the U.S. in international affairs." Russian officials called in outgoing U.S. ambassador John Tefft in Moscow to inform him of its own countermeasures.
俄罗斯外交部表示,这些制裁是美国在国际事务中咄咄逼人的证据。俄罗斯官员召见了即将离任的美国驻莫斯科大使约翰·特菲特(John Tefft),向他通知了俄罗斯作出的反制措施。

Russia ordered the U.S. to cut hundreds of diplomatic positions in the country to match the number of Russian diplomatic workers in the United States. In addition, Russia said it would block entry to two diplomatic properties in Moscow.

The European Union expressed its concerns, saying the new sanctions could harm Europe's energy industry. Several nations – including Germany and France – said the sanctions might harm businesses that carry Russian natural gas through pipelines.

Senior Republicans said they had responded by making changes to the bill to deal with some of the European concerns.