UN Report: Young Girls Still Face Gender Inequality

The U.N. released its 2016 State of the World Population Report last week in Jordan's capital, Amman. The writers examine the well-being of 10-year-old girls as signs of success or failure of a country's development.

The report says most of the world's 10-year-old children live in developing countries. In many areas, girls face barriers to good education, healthcare and safety. The report points to problems with continued gender inequality among half of the world's young population.

On the day of the report's release, a group of students sang about gender equality at a press conference in Amman. The students take classes at the city's Princess Alia School for Girls.

The report says 89 percent of the world's 125 million 10-year-olds live in developing countries. It also says 35 million 10-year-old girls live in countries said to be very unequal on issues of gender.

Princess Basma Bint Talal is a Goodwill Ambassador for the U.N. Population Fund. She told reporters, "In some parts of the world, a 10-year-old girl looks forward to her horizons opening up" so she can reach her goals. But in other places, "she is up against closed doors."
巴斯马·贝特·塔拉勒(Basma Bint Talal)公主是联合国人口基金会的亲善大使。她对记者表示,“在世界上的一些地方,10岁女孩期望着她们开阔眼界”,这样她就能实现目标。但是在一些地方,“她面对着大门紧闭”。

Princess Basma said that girls' chances for success are limited when their futures are decided by other people or their environment. Some barriers can threaten their safety and social or economic growth.

Ten-year-old girls in many poor countries face the risk of being married off. More than 60 million girls are not in school. They do twice as much work around the home as boys their age, and they serve as unpaid laborers more than boys do.

Every 10 minutes, an adolescent girl dies of violence. Many of them are infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, as a result of rape. Suicide is the second largest cause of death for young girls.

Jordan's Princess Basma said, "Let us remember that we are all responsible. Let us remember that our every word and deed, positive or negative, can affect the road a girl travels" from this turning point in her life. She continued, "This is what will shape her role in society, which is to say our society, and our world."

The U.N. report says that investment in the health, education and empowerment of 10-year-old girls can triple a girl's lifetime earnings.

Daniel Baker is the humanitarian coordinator for the U.N. Population Fund's office in Amman.
丹尼尔·贝克(Daniel Baker)是联合国人口基金会驻安曼办事处的人道主义协调员。

"Failing to invest in girls is nothing less than planned poverty. Unless we invest in girls, we're planning to have a poorer future."

This is a point that cannot be noted enough, he said.

The report closes with the message that doing damage to girls is harmful not only to their communities, but to humanity as a whole.