Turkey, Russia Hold Talks, Ease Tensions Over Syria

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Saint Petersburg on Tuesday.

Putin announced that Russia would begin easing sanctions designed to punish Turkey. The move would include restarting work on energy projects, such as work on Turkey's first nuclear power center and a pipeline from southern Russia to the Black Sea.

Russian officials said trade with Turkey could return to normal by the end of the year.

The Hurriyet Daily News reported that the two sides agreed to set up a direct telephone line between their militaries to prevent incidents in Syrian airspace.

Relations strained by downing of Russian bomber

In November, Turkey shot down a Russian jet bomber near its border with Syria. Turkish officials accused the airplane of violating Turkish airspace.

Russia denied the plane had been over Turkey and called the act a planned provocation by supporters of terrorism.

Russian officials answered the Turkish move by ordering economic and diplomatic sanctions on its neighbor. In June, the Turkish president apologized for the incident, and the two sides agreed to hold direct talks.

Russia supports the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, while Turkey has supported groups trying to force him from power.

The two sides have been fighting in Syria for more than five years. The violence has caused more than 2.5 million refugees from Syria to enter Turkey.

Russia increased its involvement in the fighting last year by carrying out bombing raids on Syrian rebel targets.

Cooperation or compromise?

Some observers, however, are questioning how much Turkey and Russia can cooperate. They say the two sides have little common ground in Syria's civil war.

Military expert Alexander Golts says, "I think until now they have no clear decision because it's clear that their interests are colliding in Syria." Golts currently works as a visiting researcher at Uppsula University in Sweden.
军事专家亚历山大·戈尔茨(Alexander Golts)表示,“我认为到目前为止他们尚没有明确的决定,因为很显然他们在叙利亚的利益存在冲突。”戈尔茨目前是瑞典乌普萨拉大学的客座研究员。

However, the talks between the two presidents could be a sign that Recep Tayyip Erdogan wants compromise on the issue of Syria. The meeting also could show Western allies that the Turkish leader has several options available to him.

Ishat Saetov directs the Modern Turkey Studies Center in Moscow. He said Erdogan was surprised by the effect Russian economic actions had on Turkey. The "loss of more than 4 million tourists made quite a blow on the economy," he said.
Ishat Saetov 执掌莫斯科的土耳其现代研究中心。他说,俄罗斯对土耳其经济制裁的效果让埃尔多安感到惊讶。他说,“损失四百多万俄罗斯游客对土耳其经济造成了相当大的打击。”

The coup attempt partly changed relations

Although the two countries disagree about Syria, Russia supported Erdogan after members of Turkey's military attempted to overthrow his government.

The United States and European countries have criticized Turkey's reaction to the failed overthrow attempt. The Turkish government has arrested thousands of people, including many reporters.

Turkey accuses clergyman Fethullah Gulen of plotting the failed coup. Gulen lives in the American state of Pennsylvania. Turkish officials want him extradited to Turkey for trial. The U.S. government has refused to do this without evidence.
土耳其指责法图拉·葛兰(Fethullah Gulen)牧师策划了这次未遂的政变。葛兰居住在美国宾夕法尼亚州。土耳其官方希望将他引渡到土耳其受审。美国政府拒绝在没有证据的情况下这样做。

Turkey is also in disagreement with Europe over payments for accepting Syrian refugees and other migrants. The government wants the European Union to permit visa-free travel for Turkish citizens.

"Syria is one of the issues that Erdogan may trade upon," said Saetov. He said Erdogan may be willing to negotiate on the issue.

Yet Turkish officials say Assad must leave office eventually and that Russia will not take the place of its western allies.