Trump Names Conservative Judge to US Supreme Court

Gorsuch is the youngest nominee for the Supreme Court in 25 years. He is 49 years old. If confirmed by the Senate, he could influence important legal issues for many years to come. But Gorsuch faces strong opposition from Democrats, who say the post should have gone to former President Barack Obama's nominee.

Trump said he made the right choice.

"Judge Gorsuch has outstanding legal skills, a brilliant mind, tremendous discipline and has earned bipartisan support," Trump said. It was Trump's first televised address from the White House.

As a candidate for president, Trump released the names of 21 judges supported by The Federalist Society, a conservative judicial group. He said that, if elected, he would choose his Supreme Court nominees from the list. Trump also promised to appoint judges ready to overturn a 1973 Supreme Court ruling that gave women the right to abortions.

Supreme Court will likely rule on important issues

The U.S. Supreme Court has the final say on many important legal cases. It has and likely will rule again on issues such as abortion rights, the right to own guns, environmental regulations and religious freedoms.

The nomination of Gorsuch will not change the narrow Supreme Court majority that protect a woman's right to end her pregnancy. But if another vacancy opens up, the high court could end up with a majority willing to overturn the decision.

Another opening would not be unexpected, given that three current Supreme Court justices who have supported abortion rights are over 78-years old. Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 83, Anthony Kennedy is 80 and Stephen Breyer is 78.
另一个职位空缺也不算意外,因为有三名支持堕胎权的现任最高法院法官年龄超过了78岁。鲁思·拜德·金斯伯格(Ruth Bader Ginsburg)现年83岁,安东尼·肯尼迪(Anthony Kennedy)现年80岁,史蒂芬·布雷耶(Stephen Breyer)现年78岁。

Gorsuch is a judge on the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver, Colorado. He was approved by a voice vote in the Senate to the court in 2006. The voice vote signaled that his appointment by President George W. Bush was not considered controversial.

In one high-profile case, Gorsuch ruled against the Obama administration. The ruling said that employers cannot be required to provide birth control as part of health insurance policies. The case was brought by businesses that said they opposed birth control on religious reasons.

Speaking at the White House Tuesday night, Gorsuch said that a judge should base rulings on the law and the U.S. Constitution -- not his or her own opinions.

Democrats to oppose the nomination

The usual nine-member U.S. Supreme Court has had only eight members since February 2016, when Justice Antonin Scalia died. Republican lawmakers refused to hold hearings for Obama's choice to replace Scalia, Judge Merrick Garland. They said the court choice should go to the winner of the 2016 presidential election.
通常有9名成员的美国最高法院自2016年2月大法官安东尼·斯卡利亚(Antonin Scalia)逝世以来一直只有8名成员。共和党议员拒绝对奥巴马选择梅里克·加兰德(Merrick Garland)法官入替斯卡利亚举行听证会。他们称应该由2016年总统大选赢家来做出这一选择。

Republicans control 52 seats in the 100-member U.S. Senate. Democrats control 48. Some Democrats are promising strong opposition to Trump's court nominee.

But under current rules, Republicans would need 60 votes to stop a Democratic filibuster.

Senator Jeff Merkley is a Democrat from Oregon. He said the nomination was stolen from President Obama. "Think about what is at stake: legal abortion, marriage equality, voting rights, the dark money corruption of our ‘We the People' government, and so much more," Merkley said.
参议员杰夫·默克雷(Jeff Merkley)是一位来自俄勒冈州的民主党人。他说,这一提名是从奥巴马总统那偷来的。默克雷说,“考虑一下有哪些问题岌岌可危:合法堕胎、婚姻平等、投票权、美国政府的黑金腐败等等。”

Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa, a Republican, praised Gorsuch as "universally respected." Grassley chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee, which will hold hearings on the nomination.
爱荷华州共和党参议员查克·格拉斯利(Chuck Grassley)称赞戈萨奇“受到普遍尊重”。格拉斯利主持参议院司法委员会,该委员会将会就此提名举行听证会。

"By all accounts, he has a record of deciding cases based on the text of the Constitution and the law," Grassley said. "That's important because in our system of government, Congress, not judges, make the laws."

Trump said on Tuesday his promise to appoint a conservative to the Supreme Court was the major reason millions of voters chose him over Democrat Hillary Clinton.
川普周二表示,他承诺任命保守派到最高法院是数百万选民选他而不选民主党人希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)的主要原因。

Laurence Baum, an Ohio State political science professor, said that may well be the case. Baum said some conservative religious voters might have had concerns about Trump's qualifications and his character. But they voted for him in large numbers because they believed he gave them their best chance in decades to, if not outlaw, to put big limits on abortions.
俄亥俄州立大学政治学教授劳伦斯·鲍姆(Laurence Baum)表示情况可能的确如此。鲍姆表示,一些保守的宗教选民可能对川普的资历和性格有过担忧。但是他们大量给川普投票,因为他们认为川普赋予了他们几十年来合法限制堕胎的最好机会。