Electoral College Meets on Monday to Choose US President

On December 19, 538 electors will meet at statehouses across the country. They will mark their own ballots to officially choose the 45th president of the United States. The electors are members of the Electoral College.

The meeting of the electors usually receives little attention. But this year, opponents of President-elect Donald Trump have tried to urge the Electoral College to deny him the presidency.

Forming the Electoral College

In the late 1700s, some founders of the United States wanted members of Congress to be able to choose the president. They did not trust that voters would always make a good choice.

Others wanted voters to directly decide.

So, as a compromise, the founders created a system they called the Electoral College. Members meet after the election to formally choose the president. Electors normally mark their ballots for the candidate who won the popular vote in their state. But the system does permit electors to vote for someone else.

The number of electors for each state is equal to its members of Congress. This means states with bigger populations have more electors and states with lower populations have fewer.

The Electoral College system can create a situation in which a candidate wins more popular votes nationwide, but still loses the election.

Before the 2016 election, that had happened only four times in American history.

Some Voters Hope for "Faithless Electors"

This November, 65.7 million people voted for Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump received 62.9 million votes.

But Trump won the presidency because he won the most electoral votes.

If Trump receives all of the electoral votes on Monday from the states where he won the popular vote, he will have 306. The winning candidate must have at least 270 electoral votes. That is the majority of the 538 total votes. Although Hillary Clinton won more votes nationally, she only won 232 electoral votes.
如果周一川普赢得所有他大选获胜州的选举人票,他就将获得306票 。获胜候选人至少需要270张选举人票,也就是总计538张票数中的大多数。虽然希拉里在全国获得更多选票,但是她只有232张选举人票。

For the results of the election to change, 37 Republican electors would have to vote against their states' voters and choose Clinton instead of Trump. That would make them "faithless electors."

Experts say that is unlikely to happen.

Only one Republican elector has publicly said he will not vote for Trump. That elector is Christopher Suprun. He lives in Dallas, Texas. He told VOA that he believes Trump is not qualified to be president. He is also worried that Trump will be more loyal to his many businesses than to the country.
只有一位选举人公开表示不会投票给川普。这位选举人就是居住在德克萨斯州达拉斯市的克里斯托弗·苏普伦(Christopher Suprun)。他对美国之音表示,他认为川普没有资格担任总统。他还担心川普更忠于自己的生意而不是这个国家。

Lawrence Lessig is a professor of constitutional law at Harvard University. Earlier this week, he said, as many as 20 Republican electors were considering not voting for Trump. But that could not be confirmed.
劳伦斯·莱斯格(Lawrence Lessig)是哈佛大学的宪法学教授。本周早些时候,他说有多达20名共和党选举人正在考虑不给川普投票。但是这点并未得到证实。

There is no federal law that requires the electors to vote for the candidate who received the most votes in their state. But 29 states and the District of Columbia have laws that control how electors vote. However, many constitutional lawyers do not believe those laws can be enforced.

Larry Tribe is also a professor at Harvard Law School. He says it is not likely that Trump will lose in the Electoral College. But he says electors, in his words, "have a responsibility to the country and the Constitution, in extreme enough situations. And I think this is a pretty extreme situation."
拉里·泰伯(Larry Tribe)也是哈佛法学院的教授。他说川普不可能在选举团失败。但是他表示,选举人在极端情况下对国家和宪法负有责任,而他认为现在就是极度极端的情况。

A group that calls itself the Hamilton Electors is working to urge electors not to vote for Trump. The group is named for Alexander Hamilton, one of the founders of the United States. He was also one of the main founders of the Electoral College.
一家自称为哈密尔顿选举人的团体正致力于督促选举人不要投票给川普。该组织以美国缔造者亚历山大·汉密尔顿(Alexander Hamilton)的名字命名。汉密尔顿也是选举团制度的主要创始人之一。

The group notes that the founders designed the system to keep someone unfit for the presidency from taking office.

The group wrote on its website that it honors "Alexander Hamilton's vision that the Electoral College should, when necessary, act as a Constitutional fail-safe against those lacking the qualifications from becoming president."

Others believe electors should change their votes because of recent intelligence reports. They suggest that the Russian government stole information from computers of some Democratic Party officials.

The reports say the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) believes Russia did so to help Trump win the election. On Friday, the Federal Bureau of Investigation said it supported the CIA's findings.

Trump has dismissed the CIA report. He says there is no evidence that Russia was involved in the hacking.

But a growing number of electors are worried that Russia did try to help Trump win. At least 67 electors have asked for information from the intelligence community about the suspected Russian activities before they vote on Monday.

All but one of those electors are Democrats. Experts say this shows that the campaign to convince Republican electors not to vote for Trump has failed.

I'm Caty Weaver.