Maine Voters Concerned About Income Gap

For example, some states are considering making marijuana use legal. Other cities are thinking about raising taxes to help fund civic projects.

In the northeast state of Maine, voters will decide whether or not to increase the minimum wage. The minimum wage is the lowest salary an employer is permitted to pay an employee.

Today, the federal government requires employees to be paid at least $7.25 an hour. But voters in Maine are considering raising the minimum wage each year so that it reaches $12 an hour by 2020.

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders' campaign for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination brought attention to income inequality. Income inequality is the term used to describe the difference in wealth between the richest and poorest Americans.
佛蒙特州参议员伯尼·桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)争取民主党总统提名的竞选活动引发了人们对收入不平等的关注。收入不平等是一个术语,用于描述美国最富阶层与最穷阶层之间的财富差异。

Hillary Clinton defeated Sanders and won the Democratic nomination. She said she supports an increase in the minimum wage. Her opponent, Donald Trump, said he believes individual states should decide for themselves.
希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)击败了桑德斯赢得民主党提名。希拉里表示她支持提高最低工资。她的竞争对手唐纳德·川普(Donald Trump)表示,他认为各个州应该自行决定。

A group called Fight for $15 believes workers should be paid no less than $15 per hour. They have protested outside the presidential debates.

In the city of Portland, Maine, Hillary Morrison is a bartender at Vena's Fizz House.
希拉里·莫丽森(Hillary Morrison)是缅因州波特兰市Vena's Fizz House的一位调酒师。

She has debts and expenses: food, rent, transportation and student loans.

But unlike many people who work making drinks or serving coffee, she has only one job.

That is because her boss, Steve Corman, pays his employees a good salary.
这是因为她的老板史蒂夫·柯曼(Steve Corman)给员工提供了很高的薪水。

Morrison earns about $30 per hour on a busy night. Corman pays the bartender about $9 per hour. She gets the rest from tips, extra money customers pay for good service.

Under the current law in Maine, Corman could pay her less than $4 per hour since she is an employee who receives tips.

Morrison said her salary is "incredible." She said she would have to work two or three jobs in order to pay her bills without it.

While some people may be surprised that a bartender or waiter can earn $30 per hour, Corman thinks the higher salary is a good investment. He said his employees work hard, are loyal to his business and develop strong relationships with customers who come back again and again.

Chris Tyll owns a pizza restaurant in Portland called Pat's Pizza. He sees the minimum wage issue differently. He said he is worried voters might not understand why increasing the minimum wage could hurt a business like his.
克里斯·迪尔(Chris Tyll)在波特兰开了一家名为Pat's Pizza的披萨餐厅。他对最低工资问题有不同看法。他说,他担心选民可能不明白为什么提高最低工资会伤害他这样的生意。

After adding up the cost of ingredients and labor, he said selling one pizza does not make that much money for the restaurant.

If restaurants had to pay their employees $12 per hour, a pizza might cost as much as $30.

Tyll said people might not eat at such a costly pizza shop.

"We're asking people to make a decision, 10 seconds in a ballot box, as they look at this question," Tyll said. He said he wants to see more of an effort to help workers learn new skills so they can get better jobs.

Economists are not sure how a higher minimum wage would affect local economies.

Some think workers would spend more if they made more, which would boost business. Others say businesses would be forced to raise prices without a guarantee that people would spend more for goods and services.

The Economic Policy Institute said the current federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour is not high enough to support the cost of living in the U.S. The institute also said the U.S. economy could still do well if minimum wage rose to $12 per hour by 2020.