Is There a ‘Skills Gap’ in US Job Market?

The United States' job market has millions of unfilled jobs. Many of those jobs require technical skills. However, employers say many of those jobs are vacant because they cannot find people with the right skills to do the work. Labor experts call this paradox the "skills gap." A number of efforts have been launched to better understand and solve it.

Rethinking training

Nicholas Wyman wrote a book called, "Job U: How to Find Wealth and Success by Developing the Skills Companies Actually Need." He calls the skills gap, "a labor market mismatch -- people without jobs and jobs without people."
尼古拉斯·怀曼(Nicholas Wyman)写了一本书,书名是《Job U: How to Find Wealth and Success by Developing the Skills Companies Actually Need》。他称这种技术缺口是劳动力市场无法将求职者和工作岗位匹配。

In the United States, the cost of a traditional four-year college can be very high. U.S. colleges and universities produce many graduates every year. Yet unemployment rates among new graduates are high.

Nicholas Wyman says a combination of technical classes and on-the-job training -- an apprenticeship --would be a better choice for many people. He notes that, "An apprenticeship is where you learn from a specialist, you are provided mentoring, you learn in an on the job environment, the old cliche is that you are actually paid to earn and learn."

Mr. Wyman once served as an apprentice himself. He says apprenticeships are misunderstood in the United States, where "success" is often defined as attending a four-year college. But he notes that is changing as on-the-job training has spread outside traditional areas, like construction and manufacturing. He says apprenticeship possibilities are growing in some manufacturing jobs.

Mr. Wyman also says it is vital to get technical skills that are of immediate value to an employer. He adds that it is important to get transferrable skills -- those that can be used in more than one job. This is because technology and the nature of the workplace are changing at a faster rate than before.

There are questions about the definition, size, and nature of the skills gap in the labor force. Iowa State University researchers studied some of these questions recently. They examined employment, education and population information, and found the evidence of a skills gap is weak.

Iowa State's Liesl Eathington noted that many policymakers and employers say there is opportunity in "middle skills" areas, like machining. Yet she said the most recent recession hit some of those job areas hard. She said students should be on guard because "our economy really isn't adding that many jobs that require the middle skills or middle educated territory."
爱荷华州立大学Liesl Eathington指出,很多政策制定者和雇主表示,机械加工等中端技能领域存在机会。然而她说,最近的经济衰退沉重打击了这其中一些职业领域。她说,学生们应该警惕,因为我国经济并未增加这么多需要具备中端技能或中等教育的岗位。

She said employers could get more well-qualified applicants if they offered higher wages. She noted that graduates of two-year training programs still generally make less money than graduates of four-year colleges.

The question of finding the right person for the right job remains a difficult one. The Department of Labor says 8.7 million Americans are unemployed and another 6.7 million can find only part-time work.