Heat-Resistant Glassware Celebrates 100th Anniversary

Heat-resistant glass was invented in Germany at the end of the 1800s. But the glass was used mostly in lanterns because the lighting produced heat. It also was used in containers for telegraph and telephone batteries.

The usefulness of heat-resistant glass as cookware was discovered by accident. It started at the Corning Glass Works manufacturing company in New York. A scientist working there gave his wife a battery jar made of borosilicate glass. Borosilicate glass is resistant to heat and very strong.

Kelley Elliott is with the Corning Museum of Glass. She says the scientist's wife used the jar while cooking, and noted something unusual.
凯利·埃利奥特(Kelley Elliott)就职于康宁玻璃博物馆。她说,这位科学家的妻子在烹饪时用到了这个电池壳,并且注意到一些不寻常的东西。

"She proceeded to bake a cake, a sponge cake, in this battery jar. And she discovered that the baking was much more efficient, and much more even than baking in ceramic or metal was."

Ms. Elliott says that when Pyrex products began appearing in U.S. stores in 1915, the cookware quickly became popular.

At first, Pyrex dishes were only made of clear glass. But the Corning Glass Works soon started producing dishes in colors. Kate Halasz is the owner of Aunt Katie's Attic, in Scotia, New York. Her store sells vintage household items to cookware collectors. She says the dishes with different colors and designs are popular among collectors.
最初,耐热玻璃盘子都用透明玻璃制作。但是康宁玻璃公司很快开始生产彩色盘子。凯特·豪洛斯(Kate Halasz)是纽约州斯科舍市“凯蒂阿姨的阁楼”的老板。她的店铺向厨具收藏家出售老式家具用品。她说,这种不同颜色和设计的盘子备受收藏家青睐。

"It's kind of crazy! But the popular patterns are the pinks, the turquoises. The friendship pattern is a pattern that came out in the 70s. That's highly collectible."

Borosilicate glass is also being used for astronomical instruments because the material is not affected by temperature changes. One example is the 5.1 meter telescope mirror at the Mount Palomar Observatory in California.

Pyrex dishes are still being manufactured today by companies that bought the rights to this recognizable brand name.