Aid Group Recommends Debt Cancellation for Nepal

From VOA Learning English, this is the Economics Report.

A group of international aid, religious and other groups is calling for debt cancellation for Nepal.

The country is struggling with the effects of a powerful earthquake on April 25 that struck the central part of the country near the capital, Kathmandu. More than 7,300 people died in the quake. The United Nations says eight million people, more than one fourth of the country's population, has been affected by the disaster.

Jubilee Network USA is a coalition of religious and aid groups that works to end extreme poverty. The group, a non-governmental organization, or NGO, says Nepal owes a total of $3.8 billion to foreign creditors including the World Bank and the Asian Development bank.
Jubilee Network USA是各个致力于终结极端贫困的宗教和援助组织的一个联盟。这家非政府组织表示,尼泊尔共欠包括世界银行和亚洲开发银行在内的外国债权人38亿美元。

The coalition's executive director Eric LeCompte says his organization is trying to persuade the agencies to do more to ease the financial burden on Nepal. He says Nepal was repaying $220 million a year to international lenders before the quake. He says money to repay Nepal's debt should go to repair, rebuild, and help the nation recover.
该联盟执行董事埃里克·勒孔特(Eric LeCompte)表示,该组织正试图说服这些机构进一步减轻尼泊尔的经济负担。他说,地震前,尼泊尔每年都向国际债权人偿还2.2亿美元。他说这笔用于偿付尼泊尔债务的资金应该用于修葺、重建和帮助该国恢复。

Mr. LeCompte says international lenders have cancelled millions of dollars in debt owed by the West African nations devastated by the Ebola crisis. He says he believes the debt relief programs should come with requirements for greater openness and accountability. He says that means the money that would have gone to repayment goes to the most vulnerable citizens, rather than to tax breaks for companies or to support the military.

The International Monetary Fund's Gerry Rice says the agency will send experts to study Nepal's needs "as soon as the humanitarian situation subsides." He says in cases of disaster, the IMF usually provides medium and long-term financing to help rebuilding efforts and offers technical support.
国际货币基金组织的格里·赖斯(Gerry Rice)表示,一旦人道局势平息下来,该机构将会派遣专家调查尼泊尔的需求。他说,在发生灾难的情况下,国际货币基金组织通常会提供中长期融资帮助重建工作并提供技术支持。

Nepal has a population of more than 28 million people. The World Bank says the country's economic growth was greater than five percent each year. The loss of thousands of lives and widespread damage to roads, buildings and other infrastructure is likely to hurt growth. The average income in the small country is $730 a year. One fourth of Nepal's population lives in poverty.