Robots to Make iPads and iPhones

The Hon Hai company is based in Taiwan and operates factories in China. The U.S. company Apple and other top electronic brands hire Hon Hai to make products, including iPads and iPhones.

The CEO of Hon Hai is Terry Gou. Mr. Gou recently told reporters that Hon Hai is replacing 70 percent of its manufacturing process with an automatic system. He says machines will do most of the work that people do now. Mr. Gou expects the changes to be finished in three years.
郭台铭(Terry Gou)是鸿海公司首席执行官。郭先生日前对记者表示,鸿海公司将用自动化系统取代该公司70%的制造工艺。他说,机器人将完成目前由人工完成的大部分工作。郭先生预计这一改革将在三年内完成。

Jamie Wang is a researcher with a business in Taipei that studies markets. She says using robots is an increasingly common change in manufacturing. Even the popular company Apple is planning to depend more on robots, she says. So, she says, manufacturers like Hon Hai must keep up with the market and reduce their costs.
杰米·王(Jamie Wang)是台北一家市场研究公司的研究员。她说,使用机器人是制造业越来越普遍的一项变化。甚至著名的苹果公司也计划更多的依赖机器人。所以她说鸿海公司等制造商必须跟上市场变化并降低其成本。

Using robots may also reduce Hon Hai's risk of labor disputes. In the past five years, some workers in Hon Hai's Chinese factories have protested workplace conditions and even killed themselves. The events have damaged the company. Now, fewer workers are depending on Hon Hai for jobs.

Geoff Crothall is a spokesman for the China Labor Bulletin advocacy group in Hong Kong. He says people are no longer forming long lines to try to work in factories. He says some Chinese workers are staying in school longer and seeking higher levels of education. Others are simply finding better jobs in other places.
杰夫·克罗塞尔(Geoff Crothall)是香港倡导组织“中国劳工通讯”的发言人。他说,人们不再排长队试图进厂工作。一些中国员工开始更长时间留在学校里寻求更高层次教育。其他人则开始在其它地方寻找更好的工作。

Changes in China

Companies such as Hon Hai are also facing rising wages for factory work in China. Those wages rose 13 percent in 2014.

At the same time, the cost of living in eastern China is increasing. Some workers are moving to less expensive but less developed cities. And, foreign investments, especially in manufacturing, are slowing. Direct investments grew at only two percent last year.

Liang Kuo-yuan is chairman of the Yuanta-Polaris Research Institute in Taipei. He says companies as large as Hon Hai need to bring more machines into their manufacturing process. He says the company must move toward automatic systems as costs rise and the number of workers drops.
梁国源(Liang Kuo-yuan)是台北元大宝华研究院董事长。他说,大如鸿海等公司需要在制造工艺中引入更多机器设备。他说,随着成本上升和工人数量下降,该公司必须转向自动化系统。

Hon Hai refused VOA requests for details on its plans. But the company has said it hopes to grow in the United States. It also says it wants to open a $1 billion research and development center in Indonesia.