Experts Consider China's Proposed Development Bank

From VOA Learning English, this is the Economics Report.

The United States has expressed concerns about China's plan to create a new development bank for Asia. U.S. officials say they have questions about how the new bank's system of governance. But some experts say opposition to the new organization may not be a good idea.

China and 20 other countries launched the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank last month. But some nations, including the United States, wonder whether the bank meets international models for governance and openness. U.S. State Department official Jen Psaki says openness would be important for such an organization.
中国和其它20个国家上月创办了亚洲基础设施投资银行。但包括美国在内的一些国家想知道这家银行是否满足监管与透明度的国际模式。美国国务院官员珍·莎琪(Jen Psaki)表示,透明度对这样一家组织来说非常重要。

"Our view is that it would need to be done in a transparent manner with a high level of - high standards, and that's something that we've conveyed to countries in the region, that we've conveyed as well to the Chinese."

She added that the United States is concerned about the unclear nature of the bank. Many critics see it as possible competitor to existing institutions like the Asian Development Bank.

Some observers say the U.S. opposition to the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is a mistake. Richard Cronin directs the Southeast Asia Program at the Henry L. Stimson Center, in Washington, DC.
一些观察人士表示,美国反对亚洲基础设施投资银行是错误的。理查德·克罗宁(Richard Cronin)负责史汀生中心(智库)的东南亚项目,该中心位于华盛顿特区。

"Safeguards and accountability issues are certainly valid issues, but the other thing is it's the reality. It's happening. So the U.S. can express concerns but, you know, it's not very good international politics to take a stance against the bank. I mean, it's going to happen."

The United States is not the only nation to have reservations about the new development bank. Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott recently said his government would like to join. But first, he said, it needs the bank to have the kind of transparency found in organizations such as the World Bank. South Korea has said more consideration is needed on the new bank's governance.

Richard Cronin also says geopolitical considerations are the biggest reason why the United States and some of its allies have not joined the bank. The U.S. and its traditional allies have heavily influenced the international banking system for many years. They have funded and worked through institutions such as the World Bank and the Asia Development Bank. For a long time, China and other developing economies have said they have little influence at Western-led development banks.

Some observers say the United States should consider joining the new bank instead of ignoring it. Kenneth Lieberthal works at the Brookings Institution in Washington. He formerly served as a special advisor to the president during the administration of Bill Clinton.
一些观察人士表示,美国应当考虑加入这一新的银行,而不是忽视它。肯尼斯·利伯索尔(Kenneth Lieberthal)就职于华盛顿布鲁金斯学会。他曾在比尔·克林顿执政期间担任克林顿总统的特别顾问。

"I think we actually ought to get engaged with this, becoming a part of it, and try to, through that engagement, both show the Chinese that we are prepared to accept a greater role for them in areas where they are contributing to public goods and we want to work with them to have the standards be standards that are necessary to sustain the way the international system now functions."

Mr. Lieberthal believes that if the United States does not get involved, it risks appearing unwilling to steps to improve the area.