Mining Company Cortec Confirms Rare Minerals In Coastal Kenya

From VOA Learning English, this is the Economics Report.

Recent discoveries of mineral wealth in Kenya could help add to east Africa's biggest economy. The government also is taking steps to improve the openness of the mining industry. But some citizens are concerned that new mining projects will damage local communities.

Mining companies say, the mineral resources could be worth billions of dollar. Local communities say, they hope this will help their economies. And the government has warned companies about making announcements about new resources before they are confirmed.

Kenya's Secretary of Mining Najib Balala says the government will ask mining companies for details about their findings before making them public.
肯尼亚矿业部长纳吉布·巴拉拉(Najib Balala)表示,政府要求矿业公司在公开信息前提交有关发现的详细资料。

"Any public announcements by a mining company, we as a government needs to have that notification 21 days before their announcements."

The discoveries also could upset some communities where big mining projects are planned. One example is the recent discoveries of rare minerals in the Mrima Hills in the coast area of kwale. The mining company Cortec reported finding a deposit of more than 600 kilograms of Niobium. The element is used in making steel and metal mixtures called superconducting alloys that allow electric currents  to travel very easily.

Cortec says the discovery could be worth 50 billion dollars. But a dispute has begun between the company, the government and the local communities. Leaders of the Mijikenda ethnic group which lives near Kenya's coast, say they practise their religion in the Mrima Hills.

Joseph Morando is an official of the kaya people who are part of the local ethnic group. He says his people are oppose to mineral mining in the Mrima forest and in the area. He says they are appealing to the government to save the area which is an important part of their history. The area also is listed as a world heritage site by the United Nations cultural agency or UNESCO.
约瑟夫·莫兰(Joseph Morando)是卡亚人的官员,这是当地米吉肯达族的一个分支。他表示,他们的人民反对在Mrima森林和该地区开采矿产资源。他说,他们呼吁政府保护该地区,这是他们历史的重要组成部分。该地区也被联合国科教文组织列为世界文化遗产。

The Kenya government has not announced how payments it receives from mining companies called royalties would be used. Mining Secretary Najib Balala is expected to present legislation, proposing that the central government take 70% of mining royalty, local government would receive 25% and local communities would receive 5%.