American Wine Producers Target China

From VOA Learning English, this is the Economics Report.

American wine producers are hoping to increase their sales in China, where the country's growing middle class is drinking wine. The United States exported just $74 million in wine to China last year, but exports are growing at a rate of nearly 20 percent a year.

Two years ago, former basketball star Yao Ming launched a wine company called Yao Family Wines. It is based in California's Napa Valley, one of the top wine producing areas in the world. Tom Hinde is with Yao Family Wines.
两年前,前篮球明星姚明开办了姚家族葡萄酒酒业公司。该公司总部设在加利福尼亚州的纳帕谷(Napa Valley),该地区是全球最顶级的葡萄酒产区之一。汤姆·欣德(Tom Hinde)就职于姚家族葡萄酒公司。

"We've made five vintages together. Actually, we're working on the 2013 right here. You can see that these grapes will be ripe sometime this fall, and we get to do it all over again."

Yao Family Wines is a small winery that produces a costly product. Tom Hinde says the vineyard grows only Cabernet Sauvignon grapes because many people in China like red wine. The winery's top cabernet sells for $625 a bottle.

Many moderately priced wines are exported to China, they including some from the San Antonio Winery in Los Angeles. Fifteen percent of its production goes to China.

The Wine Institute represents more than 1,000 wineries and allied businesses through California. Linsey Gallagher of The Wine Institute says her group is always receiving request from China. But she says the country is a problem for marketing.
美国葡萄酒协会代表了遍布加州的1000家酒厂和相关企业。该协会的琳西·加拉格尔(Linsey Gallagher)表示,她们组一直有收到来自中国的需求。但她表示,中国市场很棘手。

"They know a lot of the aspirational, iconic things about California, whether that's Hollywood in Southern California or the Golden Gate Bridge in Northern California or our previous governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger. By and large, they have no idea that California is the fourth largest wine producing region in the world and makes great quality wines at all price points."

Winemakers hope to expand the market for fine dry wines, including white wines, which are now a small part of the Chinese market.

Adam Beak of Bank of the West works with California winemakers. He knows they are competing with European companies, some of which entered the Chinese market many years ago.
美西银行的亚当·比克(Adam Beak)同加州的酒商们一起合作。他知道这些酒商在和欧洲公司竞争。一些欧洲公司已经进入中国市场多年。

"And they've developed a brand there. They've developed a name, especially for the French companies on the fine wine side, they're developed a real strong market presence. The U.S. is still in its infancy. "

But China's middle class is growing fast, Tom Hinde of Yao Family Wines is hopeful that more Chinese will develop a taste for imported wine.

"They'll want to drive certain cars, and they'll want to live in certain types of apartments and houses, and they'll want to wear certain clothes and enjoy certain types of wines."