China Becomes World's most Important Auto Market

From VOA Learning English, this is the Economics Report.

China is strengthening its image as the most important market for the auto industry. Chinese auto sales are up 13 percent from one year ago. Industry observers are predicting total sales of over 20 million vehicles this year.

By comparison, a little more than 15 million vehicles are expected to be sold in the United States. The importance of the Chinese market could be seen last month at the Shanghai auto show, industry representatives there were showing products design to meet China's growing demand for luxury cars, and larger vehicles.

Dave Schoch is with Ford Motor company. He welcomed the chance to meet with thousands of possible car buyers.
戴夫·肖赫(Dave Schoch)来自福特汽车公司。他对这次见到上千潜在购车用户的机会表示欢迎。

"So you've got 30 million customers out there, all with different tastes and different affordability levels. And what Ford wants to do is bring the power and leverage of our global line-up, you know from small to medium to large, into China."

However, competition can be fierce. Dieter Zetsche is the chairman of the German Auto manufacturer Daimler AG.
然而竞争会很激烈。蔡澈是德国汽车制造商戴姆勒公司(Daimler AG)的主席。

"We are increasing our local content here in this country. And next month we are opening the first engine plant with the capacity of 250,000 units outside of Germany for Mercedes engines."

Many Chinese see cars as a sign of success. Yale Zhang is with Automotive Foresight -- an industry group. He says the rising demand for top quality automobiles is a sign of China's rise as an economic superpower.
许多中国人将汽车看作成功的一个标志。张豫来自一家行业组织Automotive Foresight。他表示,对顶级汽车需求的上升是中国作为一个经济超级大国崛起的标志。

"This market is becoming more like European or American style."

Demand has been especially high for larger sport utility vehicles (SUV's).

Karsten Engel is head of the BMW group in China. He says the spaces insides of SUV's appeal to the newly rich, although some will probably never drive them.