Obama Speaks to African Union on Last Day of Africa Trip

U.S. President Barack Obama ended his East Africa trip Tuesday with a speech to the African Union. He spoke in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Mr. Obama called for change, especially among Africa's many long-serving leaders. He said when leaders try to change the rules in order to stay in office it can lead to strife, noting the situation in Burundi.

The president also said Africa has changed from a poor and dependent continent to one of hope and progress.

EU foreign policy chief visits Iran

European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini is in Iran. She said she made the visit to begin working on the new nuclear agreement.
欧盟外交政策负责人费德里卡·莫盖里尼(Federica Mogherini)目前正在伊朗。她说她此次访问是为了就新的核协议开展工作。

Iranian government television covered the visit. It broadcast a press conference with Ms. Mogherini and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.
伊朗政府电视台报道了这次访问。该台播出了莫盖里尼女士同伊朗外长穆罕默德·贾瓦德·扎里夫(Mohammad Javad Zarif)出席的一次新闻发布会。

The EU foreign policy chief said she was would give the same message to all states in the area. She said the nuclear agreement is "a good one," and would build trust, confidence and cooperation.

North Korean official: No interest in nuclear talks

North Korea's ambassador to China says his country is not interested in international negotiations about its nuclear program. He said Tuesday that North Korea's situation is "totally different" from that of Iran.

U.S. diplomat Sydney Seiler is in Beijing for meetings with Chinese officials. They are discussing ways to restart the nuclear talks with North Korea. He also discussed the issue with South Korean officials in Seoul during the last three days.
美国外交官悉尼·赛勒(Sydney Seiler)正在北京同中国官员会晤。他们正在讨论如何重启朝鲜核谈判。三天前他还在首尔同韩国官员就此问题进行了讨论。

U.S. to release Israeli spy

The lawyers for an Israeli spy said Tuesday that U.S. officials have decided to release him in November. 60-year-old Jonathan Pollard will have served 30 years of a life term.
以色列间谍的辩护律师周二表示,美国已经决定在今年11月释放这位间谍。60岁的乔纳森·波拉德(Jonathan Pollard)被判终身监禁,释放时他将服满30年刑期。

The former U.S. government employee was arrested in November of 1985 when he sought asylum in Israel's embassy in Washington.

He was found guilty of passing military secrets to his Israeli agents. Israel apologized to the U.S. in 1987 for its part in the case. Years later it also admitted to paying Pollard for the information.

South Korea says MERS outbreak is over

South Korea says the MERS outbreak in the country is over. Korean Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn said Tuesday that no new cases have been reported for the past 23 days.