Supreme Court Health Care Ruling a Victory for Obama

The United States Supreme Court decided Thursday to uphold President Obama's healthcare law, the Affordable Care Act.

After the ruling was announced, President Obama tweeted: "Today's decision is a victory for every hardworking American. Access to quality, affordable health care is a right, not a privilege."

House Speaker John Boehner expressed displeasure with the ruling. "Obamacare is fundamentally broken, increasing health care costs for millions of Americans," he said.
众议院议长约翰·博纳(John Boehner)对判决表示不满。“奥巴马医保从根本上就有问题,它增加了数百万美国人的医保开支。”

IS forces launch attacks in northern Syria

Islamic State fighters launched two major attacks in northern Syria on Thursday.

The attacks followed Islamic State group losses in northern Syria against Kurdish forces in recent weeks.

A Syrian Kurdish politician told VOA that Islamic State fighters carried out several suicide attacks in and around Kobani, killing 23 civilians in one of them. He said IS militants were also killed in the attack.

Kurdish fighters, backed by U.S.-led airstrikes, took control of Kobani in January after months of battles with Islamic State.

Pakistan rejects Afghanistan claims on parliament attack

Pakistan has denied Afghanistan's claim that a Pakistani intelligence agent took part in an attack on the Afghan parliament.

The attack Monday involved at least seven Taliban gunmen armed with explosives. They wounded 30 people.