Iraq Launches Operation to Recapture Anbar

The Iraqi government said it has launched an operation to seize control of Anbar province from Islamic State militants.

A government television broadcast announced the move. Islamist fighters seized the western province's capital, Ramadi, earlier this month. Iraqi troops and pro-government militias have been gathering east of the city, preparing for an offensive to reclaim the mostly Sunni province.

Al-Shabab attacks Kenya police near Somali border

Kenyan officials say al-Shabab militants attacked a group of police officers late Monday near the border with Somalia.

Officials say one police officer was killed and at least four others were injured. The attacks took place in Garissa County. In the same county last month, Islamist militants killed 148 people, mostly students, at Garrissa University College.

Spy trial of Washington Post journalist begins in Iran

The spy trial of American newspaper reporter Jason Rezaian began Tuesday in Iran. The first day of the trial was closed to the public and lasted about two hours.
美国报社记者杰森·礼萨安(Jason Rezaian)的间谍案于周二在伊朗开庭审理。第一天的审判持续了大约两个小时,审判过程未对公众开放。

The state-run IRNA news agency said the trial was being held in a Revolutionary Court, which usually hears cases involving national security.

Iranian officials have not released details of any charges against Mr. Rezaian. The trial is expected to last two to three days.

Mr. Rezaian was arrested last July. He was held for months in an Iranian prison without being charged or permitted to visit with a lawyer.

Recovery continue in Texas and Mexico after strong storms

Recovery operations in Texas and Mexico are expected to continue Tuesday, after severe weather ravaged the region.

The city of Houston got as much as 25 centimeters of rainfall in some areas Monday and Tuesday.

At least six people have died in the storms in Texas and Oklahoma.