Celebrating Fathers!

Now, the VOA Learning English program, "Words and Their Stories."

On the third Sunday in June, Americans take time to recognize and thank a special person in the family – fathers! Father's Day celebrates the importance of fathers, young and old, and the men thought of as father figures.

"Like father, like son" is probably the most common father expression. It means a boy is very much like his father, and sons often do what their fathers did before them. This can be a good thing or a bad thing.
“有其父必有其子(Like father, like son)”可能是最为常见的关于父亲的表达。它的意思是孩子长得像他的父亲,并且经常做他父亲在他之前做过的事情。这事不分好坏。

Harry Chapin's song, "Cat's in the Cradle," was popular in the 1970s. He sings about a father who did not spend time with his son. His son grew up to be a man who did not have time for his aging father. Like father, like son.
哈里·查宾(Harry Chapin)的"Cat's in the Cradle"这首歌在上世纪70年代非常流行。他唱到一位父亲没有花时间陪他的儿子。他的儿子长大后也没时间陪他的老父亲。有其父必有其子!

"...And as I hung up the phone it occurred to me, he'd grown up just like me. My boy was just like me."

The words "the child is father of the man" come from the William Wordsworth poem "My Heart Leaps Up." It means people's personalities form when they are children. They will most likely have the same qualities as an adult that they had as a child.
三岁看到老(the child is father of the man)这句话源自威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth)的诗《我心雀跃(My Heart Leaps Up)》。它的意思是说人们的性格形成于孩童时期。人们长大后极有可能会拥有和孩童时期一样的品质。

Used in everyday speech, one could say, "In his case, the child was father of the man; he loved nature as a child and now works as a botanist."