India Mourns Bollywood Star Sridevi

Thousands of mourning fans paid their respects Wednesday to one of Bollywood's biggest stars, Sridevi Kapoor.
数万名悲痛的粉丝周三向宝莱坞巨星诗丽黛玮·阿雅潘(Sridevi Kapoor)表达悼念。

The actress drowned in a hotel bathtub February 24 in Dubai, where she was attending a wedding. She was 54 years old.

Sridevi's body was flown home from Dubai to Mumbai on Tuesday night and taken to a private club. By early Wednesday, tens of thousands of sad and shaken fans had formed a line outside the club for their chance to honor her.

One mourner named Prashant said he arrived in the early morning. He told the Associated Press he had seen all Sridevi's movies. Prashant held a small collection of flowers. "No matter how long I have to wait, I will wait. I'll wait until I'm able to pay my respects," he said.

Inside the club, the actress's body was placed on a raised surface. The room held many flowers. Her husband, producer Boney Kapoor, and daughters stood by the body as fans and friends walked past in respect.
在俱乐部内部,这位女演员的遗体被安放在一个凸起的表面上。房间里布满了鲜花。她的丈夫、制片人博尼·卡浦尔(Boney Kapoor)以及女儿们站在遗体旁边,她的粉丝和好友们走过去凭吊。

Fans also lined the roads to watch as the vehicle carrying her body to the passed on its way to the funeral. Sridevi's body was covered with an Indian flag. She was cremated with state honors.

Sridevi appeared in more than 300 movies, beginning as a child actor in south India. She appeared in her first Bollywood production in 1978. She starred in many hit films, including 1987's Mr. India, in which she played an investigative reporter.

Sridevi's involvement in a film could make it a blockbuster. She commanded top earnings as a result.

In 1997, she married Kapoor, a producer on many of her films. She took a break from making films for many years while she raised her two daughters.

She returned to work in 2012. She appeared in "English Vinglish," in which she played a quiet housewife who decides to learn English to fit in more with her family.

In 2017, she starred in "Mom," playing a woman seeking vengeance for the rape of her stepdaughter.

Over the last few years, Sridevi had been preparing her older daughter, Janhvi Kapoor, for her first Bollywood film. The movie is set for release later this year.
在过去几年里,诗丽黛玮一直在筹备她大女儿詹维·卡浦尔(Janhvi Kapoor)的首部宝莱坞电影。这部电影将于今年晚些时候上映。

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