Bonnie Tyler to Sing ‘Total Eclipse of the Heart’ During Eclipse

Bonnie Tyler had a hit song in 1983. It is called "Total Eclipse of the Heart."
邦妮·泰勒(Bonnie Tyler)1983年演唱了一首红极一时的歌曲“Total Eclipse of the Heart”(心之全蚀)。

Thirty-four years ago, the song reached the number one position on popular music charts in both the United States and her native Britain.

Bonnie Tyler made a number of records in the late 1970s and early 1980s. It was perhaps the most successful period in her recording career. Her songs include "It's a Heartache" and "Holding Out for a Hero," which was used in "Footloose," a popular movie from 1984.
泰勒在上世纪70年代末和80年代初录制了很多唱片,这可能是她唱片录制生涯中最辉煌的时期。她的歌曲包括“It's a Heartache”(心痛)和“Holding Out for a Hero”(等待英雄),其中后面这首收入了1984年的热门电影“Fotlose”(浑身是劲)当中。

Tyler is now 66 years old. She is still performing, mostly in Europe. Her song "Believe in Me" was the United Kingdom's entry in the 2013 Eurovision Song Contest.
泰勒现年66年,她仍在舞台上表演,其中大部分是在欧洲。她的歌曲“Believe in Me”(信任我)是2013年欧洲歌唱大赛的英国入围作品。

A lot of people have been thinking about Tyler lately. That is because of her song "Total Eclipse of the Heart" and the total solar eclipse on Monday, August 21. A solar eclipse takes place when the moon passes in front of the sun, blocking the sunlight during the day.

Royal Caribbean International has announced that Bonnie Tyler will perform her song aboard one of its cruise ships on Monday.

The ship leaves from Miami, Florida for a seven-day trip on Sunday, August 20. It will sail to an area of the Atlantic Ocean where passengers will have a chance to experience the period when the moon passes directly in front of the sun.

There is a narrow path where people will be able to experience what is known as "totality." That is when the moon is perfectly framed by the sun.

On August 21, the United States will be the best place on Earth to experience the total eclipse. The U.S. space agency NASA is predicting that "totality" will occur in a number of states, including Oregon, Nebraska, Illinois, Kentucky and South Carolina. Another good place to be is in the Atlantic Ocean, to the east of Miami.

That is where the passenger ship plans to be.

In June, Royal Caribbean announced the trip, noting a "major headliner."

And that person turned out to be Bonnie Tyler. She will be joined by Joe Jonas' band DNCE.
这位来宾原来就是泰勒。她将会和乔·乔纳斯(Joe Jonas)的DNCE乐队一同到场。

Jonas formerly was part of the group known as the "The Jonas Brothers." DNCE's most famous song came out in 2015. It is called "Cake by the Ocean."
乔纳斯曾是“乔纳斯兄弟”乐队的成员。DNCE乐队最有名的歌曲是2015年推出的“Cake by the Ocean。”

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