Math Expert: All COVID Virus in the World Would Fit in a Soda Can

Christian Yates of the University of Bath studied worldwide rates of new COVID-19 infections and made estimates of the amount of virus in an infected person's blood. He found that there are about two quintillion - or two billion billion - SARS-CoV-2 virus particles in the world at any one time.

Yates said he came up with that result by measuring the distance across one virus particle - about 100 nanometers, or 100 billionths of a meter. He then found the total amount of space the virus takes up.

He said the total is still less than can be contained in a single 330 milliliter soda can. He noted that total includes the fact that the particles will leave a lot of space in between when placed together.

"It's astonishing to think that all the trouble, the disruption, the hardship and the loss of life that has resulted over the last year could constitute just a few mouthfuls," Yates said in a report on his findings.
耶茨在他的研究报告中表示:“ 想到过去这一年来所有这些麻烦、破坏、艰辛和失去的生命,只是几口的量的病毒造成的,就很惊人。"

More than 2.3 million people have died in the COVID-19 pandemic so far. There have been about 107 million confirmed cases worldwide.