Not and No

I wonder what is the difference between "not" and "no"? Today when I do my homework, I encounter the question. I do not know if it is "no need to do something" or "not need to do something" - Candy, China
我想知道not和no之间有什么区别?今天我在写作业的时候遇到了这个问题。我不知道应该是“no need to do something”还是“not need to do something”。—来自中国的Candy。

Dear Candy,

Thank you for writing to us. We do not usually answer homework questions, but I will try to explain the difference between the two expressions.

The word "not" is an adverb, which means it modifies – or changes the meaning of -- a verb. "Not" is often used with modal verbs, like "should," "can" and "might." Here are two examples.

You should not go to the park today.

We might not have time to go before dark.

The phrase you saw, "not need to do something," looks like it is part of a sentence where "need" is used as a verb. Here are some examples.
你看到的短语“not need to do something”看起来是need用作动词的句子的一部分。以下是一些例子:

You do not need to clean the room.

I have not walked the dog today.

They are not working on the project.

In those sentences, "not" modifies the verbs clean, walk, and work. They show how "not" can be used as an adverb.

The word "no" can be used as an adverb, adjective, or noun. In your sentence, "There is no need to do something," "no" is used as an adjective, modifying the noun "need." The verb in that sentence is a form of the word be: "is."
No这个单词可以用做副词、形容词和名词。在你说提到的“There is no need to do something”这句话中,no被用做形容词,修饰need这个名词。这句话中的动词是be动词is。

Here are examples of "no" being used as an adjective:

The store has no eggs on the shelf.

People with no internet connection at home can go to a library.

"No" is also often used as an adverb. For example, your parents may have told you,

No, you cannot have any more candy.

In that sentence, "no" answers the question, "Can I have more candy?" I am wondering if that is where you got your nickname, Candy.
在这句话中,no回答的是“Can I have more candy?”这个问题。我好奇这是不是你的昵称Candy的出处。

By the way, I hope you have "no problems" with doing your homework now.

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And that's Ask a Teacher for this week.