What Is Going on? What’s up? How Is it Going?


Could you explain to me what is the difference among "What's going on?", "What's up?" and "How is it going?"? Do they mean the same? -- Maggie
你能告诉我“What's going on?”, “What's up?” and “How is it going? ”之间的区别吗?它们的意思都一样吗?—玛姬。


Dear Maggie,

This is a good question because these are sayings we use all the time. They can all be used when greeting someone, usually someone you know.

Take this example: You run into a friend you have not seen for a while at the store.

"Hi, Dave!" you say. "Good to see you again. What's going on?"

Dave may say: "Maggie! I have been so busy at work. All is well. What's up with you?"

Dave wants to know what Maggie has been doing recently. This is a wide open, general question. It is another way of saying ‘What's New?'
戴夫想知道玛姬最近在做什么。这是一种宽泛的通用问题。它也是“What's New?”的另一种说法。

The expression "What's going on" can also be used if you are angry, and accuse someone of doing something wrong, as in this example:
“What's going on”这句表达也能用于你很生气,并指责某人做错了什么事,如下所示:

"What's going on here? Did I say you can use my motorbike?"

Now, when it comes to "How is it going?," you can use these words as part of a greeting when you see a friend. It can be a general question or more direct about something. Here is an example:
说到“How is it going?,”你可以将它作为见到朋友时的问候语。它可以是一种通用问题,也可以更直接地跟什么相关。例如:

You see your friend Mary at the bus stop. You know her mother was sick and in the hospital.

"Hi, Mary. I have been thinking about you. How is it going? How is your Mom doing?"

Here is another example where it can be used at work:

"James, how is it going with your project? Will you have it done on time?"

And that's Ask A Teacher!