Trying, or Doing One’s Best


I'm wondering about the difference between "try" or "do one's best." My English teacher told me they are same. But I believe every word has a difference. Can you help me? - Alan, China
我想知道“try”和“do One's best”之间的区别。我的英语老师说它们都一样。但是我认为每个单词都不一样。你能帮帮我吗?


Dear Alan,

Thank you for writing, and yes, we can help!

Your teacher is right that the two expressions can mean about the same thing. But you are right that there is small but important difference between "try" and "do one's best."
你老师没错,这两个词组可以指相同意思。但是你是对的,“try”和“do one's best”之间有一些细微但是很重要的差别。

"Try" means to make an effort, to attempt to accomplish or complete something. But the effort may or may not be successful.
Try 是指付出努力、尝试去完成某件事。但是这种努力可能成功,也可能不会成功。

Like this:

I tried to do my school work, but it was so hard I had to give up!

The person was trying, but did not finish the job.

Now, let's look at "do one's best." The word "do" means to perform an action or an activity. It suggests that the work is happening. "One's best" means to put your maximum effort or attention into the job. Here's how the expression sounds in a sentence:
我们再看看“do one's best”。Do这个单词是指执行某个动作或行为。它表明这项工作正在进行中。One’s best 意味着尽最大努力或全力以赴。这个词组在句子中这么用:

My school work was hard, but I did my best to get it right. I even stayed after class to ask my teacher to explain it to me.

This person made an extra effort to get the work done. He figured out how to get help. He was not just trying, he was doing his best!

However, sometimes people say they are trying, but they are not putting in much effort. That means they are not doing their best. This is where you can really see the difference between "trying" and "doing your best." It can depend on effort.
然而,有时候人们会说他们正在尝试,但是并没有付出太多努力。这意味着他们没有尽力而为。在这里,你可以真正看到“try”和“do one's best”之间的区别。这取决于努力的程度。

As a wise person once told me, "Trying is not always doing." Those are words I try to live by...

And That's Ask a Teacher!