English at the Movies, or English at the Films?


Our reader Quyunh writes, "May I know what is difference between a film and a movie ? You have a program named 'English at a movie' why not 'English at a film' ?"
我们的读者Quyunh写道:“我能请教一下film和movie这两个单词之间的区别吗?你们有一档节目的名称是“English at a movie”,为什么不是“English at a film”呢?


Dear Quyunh,

Thank you for writing in with two good questions.

Film and movie mean the same thing. The word you use may help others guess where a person lives or is from.

First, let's look at the word film. One definition is the special material used for taking photographs. But you can also see a film in a theater. Used this way, film and movie mean the same thing.

And as a verb, to film means to record something with a video camera.
而作为动词,to film意思是指用摄像机录制内容。

Here is an example:

"Do you want me to film the ceremony so you can remember it?"

Now let's turn to movie. The word – a noun - comes from the phrase "moving pictures."

Movies -- and films -- are recordings of moving images that tell a story.

Here are some example sentences with the word movie:

"Do you want to go to the movies tonight?"

"If you go to Hollywood in California, you might see a movie star."

In the United States, it is common to say "the movies" for when you talk about going to a movie theater.
在美国,当我们谈到去电影院时,通常会用“the movies”。

Here is an example for you:

"Do you know what's playing at the movies this weekend?"

Stephen Follows is a writer, producer and film data researcher who lives in England. He wrote that people who work in the film industry use ‘film' more than ‘movie.'

People who live in the U.S., he found, usually say ‘movie', while those in Britain use both. ‘Film' is still popular in Europe and parts of Africa, but ‘movie' is best in the Americas, as well as in Japan and India.

So -- that is why we say "English at the Movies" and not "English at the Films!"
所以,这就是我们为什么说“English at the Movies”,而不是“English at the Films”!

And that's Ask a Teacher!