How Do You Use 'Deal With?'


"I get confused by the meanings of the verb ‘deal with.' Please explain about it if it is possible."
”我被 deal with 这个动词的意思搞晕了,如果可能的话,请解释一些呗。”

Answer: Dear Mohamad,

Great question! Let's deal with it right away. The verb you asked about is what we call a phrasal verb. We also call them two-part verbs, (or even three-part-verbs). They contain a verb, and adverb, and at times, a preposition.

Deal with as "taking action"

One meaning of "deal with" is to take action or do something. We often use "deal with" when talking about solving a problem. For example, let's say someone forgot to close the office window before a rain storm hit. Listen:
Deal with的其中一种含义是采取行动或做某事。我们通常在谈到解决某个问题时用到deal with。例如,我们假设有人在暴风雨来袭时忘了关办公室的窗户。请听以下对话:

Rain came in through that window. Can you deal with it?

Sure, I'll get a towel and dry it.

The second person dealt with the problem by cleaning up the water and, hopefully, closing the window!

Deal with as "trade with"

We also can use "deal with" in relation to buying or selling goods or services.
我们在买卖商品或服务时也可以用到 deal with 。

This phone doesn't work – and I just bought it last week.

I've dealt with that company before. I'm sure they'll give you a new one.

Deal with as "about"

We also use "deal with" when talking about the subject of a report, film, book and other things.
我们在谈到一篇报道、一部电影、一本书等事物的主题时,也可以用到 deal with 。

The report deals with the problem of poverty among children.

Stephen Hawking's work dealt with time and the universe.

Phrasal verbs

The next time you hear or read the verb "deal with," look at the words around it and decide if the meaning is one of these:
下次你听到或是看到deal with 这个动词,请查看它前后的单词,确定它是否是以下含义:
 · take action
 · 采取行动
 · trade with
 · 与……交易
 · be about
 · 关于

If you want to learn more about verbs like "deal with," search for "phrasal verbs" in our Everyday Grammar TV series.
如果你想了解更多关于 deal with 这类动词,请在我们的每日语法视频节目中搜索“短语动词。”